This is a command line tool to easily convert keys between the PEM and JWK file formats.
Convert from PEM to JWK format:
jwker my-key.pem my-key.jwk
jwker my-key.pem | pbcopy
cat my-key.pem | jwker > my-key.jwk
A complete example for creating a new keypair, saving the public key as a JWK and the private key as a PEM, but with a passphrase:
openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 \
| tee >(openssl ec -pubout | jwker > \
| openssl ec -aes256 -out key.prv.pem
Convert from JWK to PEM format:
jwker my-key.jwk my-key.pwm
jwker my-key.jwk | pbcopy
cat my-key.jwk | jwker
If you have homebrew installed:
brew install jphastings/tools/jwker
Or, if you have go installed:
go install