A JS conversion/adaptation of parts of the ChatVRM (TypeScript) code for use in OpenCharacters, but can be used outside of OpenCharacters as shown with the code below. I've extracted just the VRM "speaking character" viewer from the web app.
// setup viewer:
const Viewer = await import("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/josephrocca/[email protected]/features/vrmViewer/viewer.js").then(m => m.Viewer);
window.viewer = new Viewer();
// add canvas
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.style.cssText = "width:100vw; height:100vh; display:block;";
document.body.style.cssText = "margin:0; padding:0;";
// link viewer to canvas:
// load VRM character file:
await viewer.loadVrm("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/josephrocca/ChatVRM-js/main/avatars/AvatarSample_B.vrm");
// Change emotion / facial expression:
viewer.model.emoteController.playEmotion("happy"); // Valid expressions: neutral, happy, angry, sad, relaxed
// Play animation (download FBX animations from Mixamo.com):
await viewer.model.loadAnimation("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/josephrocca/[email protected]/OpenCharacters/animations/silly_dancing.fbx");
// Wait for user to interact with the page before trying to play audio
if(!navigator.userActivation?.hasBeenActive) {
await new Promise(resolve => window.addEventListener("click", resolve, {once:true}));
// Speak:
let arrayBuffer = await fetch("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/josephrocca/[email protected]/OpenCharacters/dummy-audio/12.mp3").then(r => r.arrayBuffer());
await viewer.model.speak(arrayBuffer, {expression:"happy", volume:0}); // here i set volume to zero because this is just dummy audio - but you can e.g. use elevenlabs, or whatever, of course
Example of loading a new VRM file when dragged-and-dropped on the page:
canvas.addEventListener("dragover", function (event) {
canvas.addEventListener("drop", awync function (event) {
const file = event.dataTransfer?.files?[0];
const file_type = file.name.split(".").pop();
if(file_type === "vrm") {
const blob = new Blob([file], { type: "application/octet-stream" });
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
await viewer.loadVrm(url);