Hello there. I'm Jordan.
Is this my job? No. Just a hobby at the moment. Maybe it will be someday. Or, at least I hope it will be.
I do have: https://www.patreon.com/jordan4ibanez
My discord is here: https://discord.gg/D95q7BHUE4
Click here for the Fortran section of my profile.
The following expressions are evaluated at compile time: Initializers for static, module-level, or __gshared variables
- value of an enum.
- A template value argument.
- default initializers for member fields.
- And that's it. Everything else is runtime.
bool opCast(T: bool)() const {
return isSome;
bool opCast(T)() const {
static if (is(T == bool)) {
return count != -1;
} else static assert(0, "Not implemented.");
class cool(int MY_COOL_VALUE) {
immutable int aCoolValue = MY_COOL_VALUE;
void main() {
auto i = new cool!23();
DFLAGS="-release -unittest" dub test