Generates plots reporting on nanopore runs
- Python 2.7
- matplotlib 2.0.0 + dependencies
git clone
virtualenv plot-nanopore-run-venv
# check setuptools installed
pip list
# set up matplotlib
python install
usage: [-h] -s SEQ_SUMMARIES [SEQ_SUMMARIES ...]
[--yield_units {bp,Mbp,Gbp}]
Calculate nanopore run report
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
sequencing summary tab-separated file(s)
prefix of output directory
-r RUN_ID, --run_id RUN_ID
run id will be displayed as part of titles of plots.
NOTE: If plotting multiple runs, use multiple flags in the
same order of sequence summary flag.
NOTE: wrap in quotes if spaces included.
--yield_units {bp,Mbp,Gbp}
units for the y-axis of the Total yield plot. {bp,
Mbp, Gbp}
Sequencing summmary files were generated using the albacore basecaller. This plotting script takes as input one or more of these text files that come from the same run thus the run_id
column should be the same for all of these files.
Example sequence summary file:
filename read_id run_id channel start_time duration num_events passes_filtering template_start num_events_template template_duration num_called_template sequence_length_template mean_qscore_template strand_score_template calibration_strand_genome_template calibration_strand_identity_template calibration_strand_accuracy_template aligned_speed_bps_template
read_1_ch_1531_strand.fast5 read_id_1 run_id_1 1531 6548.61575 1.11875 895 False 0.0 895 1.11875 895 443 5.091 -0.0013 filtered_out -1.0 -1.0 0.0
read_2_ch1223_strand.fast5 read_id_2 run_id_1 1531 6545.75575 1.14 912 False 0.0 912 1.14 912 511 4.7 -0.0012 filtered_out -1.0 -1.0 0.0
The script will produce plots for the following and save as png files in a directory with --output
- Total yield as a function of sequencing time
- Maximum read length as a function of cumulative sequencing time
- Average read length as a function of cumulative sequencing time
- Maximum read length per hour
- Average read length per hour
It will also produce a PDF with all these plots.
For single-run plots:
python -s /path/to/batch0/sequencing_summary.txt /path/to/batch1/sequencing_summary.txt -r "MinION run 2018-01-22" -o mion_run
For multi-run plots:
python \
-s /path/to/MINIONRUN/batch0/sequencing_summary.txt /path/to/MINIONRUN/batch1/sequencing_summary.txt \
-r "MinION run 2018-01-22" \
-s /path/to/PROMETHIONRUN/sequencing_summary.txt \
-r "PromethION run 2018-02-01" \
-o nanopore_multi_run