- jon4hz/canihazgnomeupdate - π§ check if all your extensions support a specific gnome version (1 day ago)
- jon4hz/homebrew-tap - πΊ homebrew-tap (1 day ago)
- adfinis/adfinis.github.io - ποΈ Overview of Adfinis Docs (3 weeks ago)
- adfinis/ansible-role-motd - Ansible role motd (4 weeks ago)
- adfinis/ansible-role-icinga2_master - This role is used to configure an icinga2 master (1 month ago)
- jon4hz/awoolt - πΊ Interactively browse vault/openbao in the terminal.
- jon4hz/songlinkrr - a cli tool to share song links using subsonic
- jon4hz/lazyfestival_bot -
- jon4hz/greenfield_bot -
- jon4hz/cat_greeting -
- netbox-community/netbox-chart (netbox-operator-0.3.16, today) - A Helm chart for NetBox
- jon4hz/canihazgnomeupdate (v0.1.3, 1 day ago) - π§ check if all your extensions support a specific gnome version
- christianhuth/helm-charts (baserow-3.8.0, 2 days ago) - Helm Charts for various Applications
- zskarte/zskarte (v5.0.1, 1 week ago) - Zivilschutz-Karte allows to draw situation maps for disaster management
- adfinis/helm-charts (security-apps-0.91.0, 2 weeks ago) - π Helm charts from Adfinis
- fix: remove trailing slash on adfinis/adfinis.github.io (3 weeks ago)
- fix: make sure repo links are actually clickable on adfinis/adfinis.github.io (4 weeks ago)
- ci: publish to galaxy on release only on adfinis/ansible-role-icinga2_master (1 month ago)
- feat: add option to filter fields on jon4hz/awoolt (1 month ago)
- feat: method to check filtering state of select fields on charmbracelet/huh (1 month ago)
- mikepruett3/homeassistant-desktop - A simple Home Assistant Desktop application, built using Electron.js (6 days ago)
- ollo69/ha-samsungtv-smart - πΊ Home Assistant SamsungTV Smart Component with simplified SmartThings API Support configurable from User Interface. (1 week ago)
- rospogrigio/localtuya - local handling for Tuya devices (2 weeks ago)
- savdagod/ha-addons - HA add-on repository (2 weeks ago)
- savdagod/TidbytAssistant - Send custom apps, notifications or plain text to a Tidbyt device from HomeAssistant! (2 weeks ago)
I'm sure you'll figure something out :)
$> ssh hi.jon4hz.io