Next generation of Vijos, built with asyncio on Python 3.5.
- Problem Categories and Tags
- Solution Sharing & Voting
- Online Coding and Testing (a.k.a. Scratchpad Mode)
- Discussions & Comments
- Trainings
- Contests (ACM & OI)
- Dynamic Ranking System
- Real-time Status Updates
- Online Judge as a Service (a.k.a. Domain): create your own OJ website without dev-ops!
- Management UI
- Sandboxed & Distributed Judging: see jd4, winjudge and windows-container
- Secure (we are also CTF players)
- Modern Architecture & User Interface
First download the docker-compose.yml
and .env
curl -L -o docker-compose.yml
curl -L -o .env
After edit the .env
file, run
docker-compose up -d
and the service will be started on port 34765
after a while.
(You can also modify the docker-compose.yml
to change the port
or do something else.)
In the root of the repository, where requirements.txt
and package.json
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install # cnpm install
You don't need root privilege to run npm install
. It installs stuffs in the project directory.
You may want to use cnpm and tuna
if you are in China. Make sure to use cnpm
by adding alias
to npm
instead of installing cnpm cli-tool.
Some requirements may need Python.h
. In Ubuntu/Debian simply use
apt install python3-dev
to solve the problem.
To enable IP geo-location translation, you need to obtain a MaxMind GeoLite City DB and put it in the project root directory:
curl "" | gunzip -c > GeoLite2-City.mmdb
You may also want to install libmaxminddb for higher performance.
There are many conflicts when trying to update to webpack@4.
The code format is based on eslint-config-airbnb@5, don't try to change it and also don't change eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y@5.
react and react-dom are kept at version 15 now.
In the root of the repository:
npm run build # or: npm run build:watch
python3 -m vj4.server --debug
(default: to listen on a different address.
As an intuitive example, you may want to add a super administrator and a problem to start:
alias pm="python3 -m"
pm vj4.model.user add -1 icebox 12345 [email protected]
pm vj4.model.user set_superadmin -1
pm vj4.model.adaptor.problem add system "Dummy Problem" "# It *works*" -1 1000 # you can also use web UI
You need to run these scripts on a regular basis to maintain correct RP and ranks for all users:
pm vj4.job.rp recalc_all
pm vj4.job.rank run_all
Frontend source codes can be recompiled automatically by running:
npm run build:watch
However you need to manually restart the server for server-side code to take effect.
npm run build:production
python3 -m vj4.server --listen=unix:/var/run/vj4.sock
- Set
(default: to listen on a different address. - Set
(default: 1) to specify the number of worker processes. - Set
(default: '') to use IP address in request headers. - Set
(default: to set URL prefix. - Set
(default: /) to set CDN prefix. - Set
to specify a SMTP server. - Set
(default: localhost) and/or--db-name
(default: test) to use a different database. - Set
(default: '') now only jaccount is supported - Set
(default: '') if oauth is set - Set
(default: '') if oauth is set
Better to use a reverse proxy like Nginx or h2o.
To enable vj4 to judge, at least one judge user and one judge daemon instance are needed.
- Use following commands to create a judge user:
alias pm="python3 -m"
pm vj4.model.user add -2 judge 123456 [email protected]
pm vj4.model.user set_judge -2
- See for more details about the judge daemon.
Have fun!
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