- How it works
- Consensus mechanism
Build a banking app as an example
- Structure of a contract
- Data types
- Functions
- Modifiers
- Events
- Opcodes
- ERC-20 tokens
- NFTs
- A Group challenge (build a decentralised exchange)
- Querying the blockchain
- A user signs and submits a transaction.
- The transaction is propagated to the network.
- The transaction is picked up by all nodes in the netowork and added to a memepool.
- A miner orders the transactions, solves a computational puzzle, and propagates the block to the network.
- The generated block is picked up by all nodes in the network and validated.
- The block is added to the chain and the block generater recieves a reward.
- Proof of work - Miners prove they have capital at risk by expending energy
- Proof of stake - Validator explicity deposit capital in the form of ETHER/MATIC into a smart contract.
from: "0xEA674fdDe714fd979de3EdF0F56AA9716B898ec8",
to: "0xac03bb73b6a9e108530aff4df5077c2b3d481e5a",
gasLimit: "21000",
maxFeePerGas: "300",
maxPriorityFeePerGas: "10",
nonce: "0",
value: "10000000000"
- Vs-code
- Node v14.0.0
- npx:
npm install -g npx
- Hardhat
- Solint
- Metamask
- Alchemy account
- Externally owned accounts -Controlled by a public-private key pair.
- Contract account - Controlled the contract code
Its a piece of executable code, published on-chain.A contract or its functions needs to be called for anything to happen
All Solidity source code starts with should start with a "version pragma".This is to prevent future issues with compiler version that would introduce code breakage.
- Constructor - Invoked once when the contract is created.
- Storage Variables - These are used to store the state of the varibales.Think of them as saving to a DB
- Functions - Used to manipulate the state of the state of the contracts by modifying the state varibales.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.8.4;
contract SimpleStorage {
// This will be stored permanently in the blockchain
uint public storedData;
// only run once
function set(uint x) public {
storedData = x;
function get() public view returns (uint) {
return storedData;
Value types - Always passed by value
Reference types - Can be modified though different names. Comprise struct
and mappings
If you use a reference type, you always have to explicitly define the location where the data is stored
Signed/Unisgned integers uint<N
>: uint8, uint16, uint32, uint256
It allows you to define more complicated types that have multiple properties ex.
struct Person {
uint age;
string name;
uint[] likes;
Person newPerson = Person({age:18, name:"Loibon",likes[2,3,4]})
// newPerson.age = 20
// = Loibon
Arrays can have compile time fixed or dyname size
uint256[4] fixedArray;
uint256[] dynamicArray;
Person[5] people;
// ex. usage
Person newPerson = Person({age:18, name:"Loibon"})
person[0].age = 20
// persion[0] is now 20
Holds a 20 bytes(uint160) value
address contractA = "0x1C9d590fe65f4a1C060f3313Fa98Eb247c33fa87"
An address is owned by a specific user or contract.
A mapping is essentially a key-value store for storing and efficiently looking up data.
- A Key can be any built-in value type such as
. Complex types, such asmappings
types are not allowed. - A Value can be any type, including
// initialization
mapping(address => uint256) balances
// ex. usage
let key ="0x1C9d590fe65f4a1C060f3313Fa98Eb247c33fa87"
balances[key] = 30
// balances[key] is equal to 30
Note: You cannot iterate over mappings
They are the executable units of code.
function (<parameter types>) {internal|external|public|private} [pure|view|payable] [returns (<return types>)]
// ex.
function login(address _account) public returns(bool){
return true;
require can be used in funtions to check for a condition and throws an error if a condition is false.
function deposit(uint256 _amount) external {
require(amount > 0,"amount should be greater than zero");
Modifiers can be used to ammend the semantics of a function in declarative way.
modifier isLoggedIn() {
require(loggedInAccounts[msg.sender],"account is not logged in");
_; // function body goes here
function deposit (uint256 _amount) external isLoggedIn {
Events are a way for your contract to communicate that something a user or the external contract invoking your contract
.Front-end and back-end apps can subscribe to such events and take action when they happen.
// Event declaration
event Deposit(address account,uint256 amount);
function deposit(uint256 _amount) public {
emit(msg.sender, _amount)
msg.sender (address)
- sender of the message
msg.value (uint)
- number of wei sent with the message
tx.origin (address)
- sender of the transaction
block.timestamp (uint)
- current block timstamp as seconds since unix epoch
- Assignments between
always creates an independent copy - Assignments from
only create a reference. - Assignment from
to a local storage variable assigns a reference.
- Its the runtime environment for smart contracts on ethereum.
- Its referred to as Turing complete largely because of its ability to execute machine-level instructions known as opcodes.