Course Review allows students to review courses at their university. Currently, it requires courses to be manually added by an administrator.
Wherever you are planning to do local development, you want to fork the repository and then clone your fork then change directories:
git clone{{your github user name}}/course_review
cd course_review
Before installing gems, you'll need to ensure that you have PostgreSQL
installed and its utilities on your PATH
This is the recommended way to install on macOS:
brew install postgres
Put this line at the bottom of your .profile
, .bashrc
, or .zhshrc
export PATH="/Applications/$PATH"
If you aren't sure which one, add it to all of them!
The recommended way to install ruby is to do it via rvm:
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby=2.6.3
You'll also need to install the Rubygems that are necessary.
rvm use 2.6.3@course-review --create
gem install bundler
bundle install
NOTE: if you installed ruby using something other than RVM, you want to create a gemset some way so that you don't get conflicts later on.
Start PostgreSQL using (or your preferred method):
brew services start postgresql
You'll need to create a user root
with password root
and give that user
privileges on two databases: course-review_development
and course-review_test
Add users:
createuser course_review --createdb
Next, setup the database automatically using Rails:
rails db:setup
Once that completes, you're ready to go!
Note: this will only create a single user. If you want the full set of seeds, run this:
rails db:seed
To start the server, run:
rails s
You can leave this server running while you develop. You need only restart the
server when you make changes to anything in the config
or db
directories. To view the application, go to localhost:3000
This application uses Rspec for tests and Rubocop to enforce style. Prior to pushing up any branch, ensure both are passing by running the following:
bundle exec rspec # runs specs, should get all green with a few pending
rubocop -a # should get all green, but if it corrects, it will return a W
# if rubocop corrects, then make sure to commit the updates!
Once you are ready, open up a PR!