Real-time notification on a put to HBase implemented with an HBase coprocessors and prospective search.
For more information please refer to the github project wiki:
Current pom configured to build against HBase 0.92.0 (cdh4b1).
Note: unit-tests take some time to execute (up to several minutes), to skip their execution use -Dmaven.skip.tests=true.
Required tables
Table | Column Families | Qualifiers
article ctn
account agent <agentId>
report doc id
Steps to add the coprocessor:
Copy coprocessor JARs to HDFS
hadoop fs -rm /hbaseps-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal target/hbaseps-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /
hadoop fs -ls /
Register coprocessor to table 4.
disable 'article'
5.alter 'article', METHOD => 'table_att', 'COPROCESSOR'=>'hdfs:///hbaseps-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar|
ch.sentric.hbase.coprocessor.ProspectiveSearchRegionObserver|1073741823|solr.home=<path to solr.home>'
6.describe 'article'
7.enable 'article'
Steps to remove the coprocessor:
disable 'article'
alter 'article', METHOD => 'table_att_unset', NAME => 'COPROCESSOR$1'
describe 'article'
enable 'article'
Compatible with HBase
Released under Apache License 2.0.
Christian Guegi