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Nomad Service Alerter is a tool written in Go, whose primary goal is to provide alerting for your services running on Nomad ( It offers configurable opt-in alerting options which you can specify in your Nomad Job manifest (json file) as Environment Variables. The Nomad Service Alerter mainly covers Consul Health-Check Alerts and Service Restart-Loops Alerts.
Nomad Service Alerter supports the following Alerts :
This alert will monitor your service and alert on allocations and versions that are failing their defined consul health-checks. You will be able to set the duration threshold for which the service must remain unhealthy before alerting. The alert will include the details of all the allocations of the service which is failing the consul health check.
This alert will monitor jobs (and all of its allocations) and alert on the services which go into an un-ending restart loop. This indicates that there is an error in the service which is not allowing it to enter a successful Running state (the allocations are created but are constantly in pending state). This is a more accurate way to alert of Nomad jobs vs. monitoring Dead state (which may be a valid state if you set count to 0).
You can configure Nomad Service Alerter to opt in into Queued Instances Alerts which will trigger an alert when the service has un-allocated instances for at least 3 minutes.
You can configure Nomad Service Alerter to opt in into Orphaned Instances Alerts which will trigger an alert when the service has more number of allocations running than what it has asked for (In this case there is one or multiple rogue allocations running on some machine which do not have any parent nomad process, hence the name). Similar to Queued instances alert, this alert will be triggered when the service remains in described state for at least 3 minutes.
To run the tool on your local machine, you will have to :
- Install and set up your Go environment. (
- Install glide (
- Clone the repo (git clone
- cd into the code repo (
cd nomad-service-alerter
) - Run
glide init
- Run
glide install
- Make sure following environment variables are set with appropriate values.
"nomad_server" --> your nomad server address
"env" --> the environment in which the tool would be running
"region" --> the region in which your tool would be running
"consul_server" --> your consul server address
"consul_datacenter" --> datacenter of your consul server
You can use the script
after adding appropriate values to load all the above variables.
- Run
go build
- Execute the binary. (Or you can skip the
go build
step and rungo run main.go
You can configure your service by adding following key-value pairs to the Meta section of your Nomad Job.
- consul_service_healthcheck_enabled --> true/false (to enable/disable consul healthcheck alerts)
- consul_service_healthcheck_threshold --> Time duration for which service can remain in unhealthy state before getting alerted (eg. 2m0s)
- pd_service_key --> 32 characters Pagerduty Serrvice integration key (all the alerts will be sent here)
- restart_loop_alerting_enabled --> true/false (to enable/disable restart loop alerts)
- orphaned_instances_alert_enabled --> true/false (to enable/disable orphaned allocations alert)
- queued_instances_alert_enabled --> true/false (to enable/disable queued allocations alert)
Following is an example of key-value pairs described above that your Job Meta section (Job level) should have :
consul_service_healthcheck_enabled: true
consul_service_healthcheck_threshold: 3m0s
restart_loop_alerting_enabled: true
orphaned_instances_alert_enabled: true
queued_instances_alert_enabled: true
pd_service_key: 22221234567890123456789000000000
If you want to run Nomad Service Alerter on Nomad, you would need to have the Environment Variables (ones described in 'Build and Test' section) set with appropriate values in your job manifest (json file):
"nomad_server" --> your nomad server address
"env" --> the environment in which the tool would be running
"region" --> the region in which your tool would be running
"consul_server" --> your consul server address
"consul_datacenter" --> datacenter of your consul server
Once your Job file is ready, use the standard method of submitting the job to nomad (
As of now, Nomad Service Alerter only supports integration with PagerDuty.
- @bhope (Prathamesh Bhope)