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a DIY digital clock designed for and by teachers

Editing Schedule

This clock is currently set up for 12-hour, [rotating block schedule] ( If you develop a 24-hour clock, please let me know! Would love to include a link!

To add your own schedule, there are a number of changes. Look for the following section of code:


 * Set the functionality of the extra digit
 * show nothing in the extra digit is mode 0
 * show rotating block is mode 1
 * show period number is mode 2
int extraDigitMode = 1;

// setup for a rotating block schedule
uint8_t currentBlock = A_BLOCK;

// this number should match the number of entries in schedule[]
const uint8_t numTimeBlocks = 9;

uint8_t schedule[numTimeBlocks][5] = {
  // use 24 hour clock numbers even though this clock is a 12 hour clock
  // {starting hour, start min, end hour, end min}
  {8, 0, 9, 0, ACADEMIC},       // 0 - Period 1: 8 - 9
  {9, 3, 9, 48, ACADEMIC},      // 1 - Period 2: 9:03 - 9:48
  {9, 48, 10, 18, ASSEMBLY},    // 2 - Assembly: 9:48 - 10:18
  {10, 18, 11, 3, ACADEMIC},    // 3 - Period 3: 10:18 - 11:03
  {11, 6, 11, 51, ACADEMIC},    // 4 - Period 4: 11:06 - 11:51
  {11, 54, 12, 39, ACADEMIC},   // 5 - Period 5: 11:54 - 12:39
  {12, 39, 13, 24, LUNCH},      // 6 - Lunch: 12:39 - 1:24
  {13, 27, 14, 12, ACADEMIC},   // 7 - Period 6: 1:27 - 2:12
  {14, 15, 15, 0, ACADEMIC}     // 8 - Period 7: 2:15 - 3:00

// these are the array indicies of non-academic time blocks
const uint8_t assemblyBlock = 2;
const uint8_t lunchBlock = 6;

// number of minutes before end of class when countdown clock is triggered
uint8_t countdownM = 6;
uint8_t secBetweenFlashes = 4;

Edit the classPeriods array to match your schedule. For example, if your first period starts at 7:45AM and ends at 8:45AM:

uint8_t classPeriods[numPeriods][4] = {
  // use 24 hour clock numbers even though this clock is a 12 hour clock
  // {starting hour, start min, end hour, end min}
  {7, 45, 8, 45},       // Period 0: 7:45AM - 8:45AM

classPeriods[] should only include periods for academic classes- not homeroom, lunch, advisory, club, etc. Those time blocks should be entered into the "otherBlocks" which we'll talk about in a second. Separating academic classes from other time blocks is important in order to ensure the rotating block letter updates appropriately.

Once you've entered all of your relevant classPeriods[], count up the number of entries (should be the number of class periods), and set "numPeriods" to this value:

const uint8_t numPeriods = 7;

All other time blocks should be entered into numOtherBlocks array:

const uint8_t numOtherBlocks = 2;   // this number should match the number
                                    // of entries in otherBlocks[]

uint8_t otherBlocks[numOtherBlocks][4] = {
  {9, 48, 10, 18},   // assembly: 9:48 - 10:18
  {12, 39, 13, 24}  // Lunch: 12:39 - 1:24

If you'd like to add another "other block", such as a homeroom:

const uint8_t numOtherBlocks = 3;   // this number should match the number
                                    // of entries in otherBlocks[]

uint8_t otherBlocks[numOtherBlocks][4] = {
  {9, 48, 10, 18},   // assembly: 9:48 - 10:18
  {12, 39, 13, 24},  // Lunch: 12:39 - 1:24
  {8, 15, 8, 20}     // homeroom: 8:15 - 8:20AM

const uint8_t assemblyBlock = 0;
const uint8_t lunchBlock = 1;
const uint8_t homeroomBlock = 2;       // adding this

If your school doesn't begin with an academic class (like a homeroom), you will need to change the "boolean isBeforeSchool()" function. IF it starts with the homeroom block from the previous example:

boolean isBeforeSchool() {
  // You may need to edit these values if school begins with a homeroom or
  // otherBlock[] that isn't a classperiod[]
  return (now.hour() <= otherBlocks[homeroomBlock][0] && now.minute() < otherBlocks[homeroomBlock][1]);

There's probably other code editing you'll have to do for these types of schedule modifications. Please let me know (or submit pull requests) as you run into problems specific to your use case.

To set the number of minutes before the countdown timer triggered, edit:

uint8_t countdownM = 6;

Editing Clock Display

The other main section of code that you'll have to edit is the display clock section:

void displayClock() {
  if(isEndOfDay()) nextDay();
  else if (isWeekend()) pulseClock(Wheel(250),10);
  else if (isBeforeSchool()) colorClock(Wheel(240));
  else if (isAfterSchool()) pulseClock(Wheel(100),5);
  else if (isEndFlash()) countdownClock();
  else if (isLunch()) pulseClock(Wheel(100),5);
  else if (isAssembly()) rainbowClock(5);
  else if (isDuringClass()) gradientClock();
  else colorClock(Wheel(20));

To get rid of the countdown timer triggered at the end of the class, comment out ("//") the countdownClock() line:

void displayClock() {
  if(isEndOfDay()) nextDay();
  else if (isWeekend()) pulseClock(Wheel(250),10);
  else if (isBeforeSchool()) colorClock(Wheel(240));
  else if (isAfterSchool()) pulseClock(Wheel(100),5);
  //else if (isEndFlash()) countdownClock();
  else if (isLunch()) pulseClock(Wheel(100),5);
  else if (isAssembly()) rainbowClock(5);
  else if (isDuringClass()) gradientClock();
  else colorClock(Wheel(20));

Clock functions

  • You can change the light effect by changing the function after the else if. Possible options include: colorClock(), pulseClock(), randoClock(), rainbowClock(), mardiGrasClock(), etc. Check the code for examples.
  • You can change colors of some clocks (colorClock(), pulseClock, colorClock()) by changing the number in Wheel(). 0 is red and 255 is purple; experiment with values in between.
  • The number passed to rainbowClock() represents the speed that it cycles through the colors of the rainbow.
  • countdownClock(), gradientClock(), xMasClock(), mardiGrasClock(), birthdayClock(), etc. don't take arguments (i.e. no values passed inside the parentheses).
  • pulseCock() takes a color (passed inside Wheel()), and a number representing the amount of time to wait between pulses.

Add your own functions! Feel free to do a pull request to add your functionality to the Classroom Clock!


a clock designed for and by teachers






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