Have a question or suggestion? Contact me on Linkedin, send an email to [email protected], or create a pull request on this project.
Pet-project. Use at your own risk. Low test coverage ratio.
A simple project to fecth data from an api and show the informations as a sortable and filterable list.
Actually hosted on: http://www.select_title.jaelsoncarvalho.com/
- Stack
- Design Goals
- Avaialable Pages
- Getting Started
- Local Commands
- Docker Build and Run
- Auxiliary Commands
- Node.js (v6.2.2)
- npm (3.9.5)
- React (v15.4.2)
- React Router DOM (v4)
- Redux (3.6.0)
- Redux Thunk (2.2.0)
- Axios (0.15.3)
- Ant Design for the visual layout
- Webpack (1.14.0) for development and bundling
- Babel transpiler for ES6 and ES7 magic
- ESLint to maintain a consistent code style
- Use Cutting-Edge Technologies
- Best Programming Techniques
- Babel 6 with Webpack and Hot Loader
- Fast testing with mocked-out DOM
- Separate Smart and Dumb components
- Ducks: Redux Reducer Bundles
This application consumes data from the following services:
Page | URL | Description |
Home | / | Main page of application to show the fetched data |
About | /about | Page that contains a little description of the project |
No Match | /* | Any other URL's that don't macth with the app router |
Install yarn to a better package management
$ npm install --global yarn
Install application dependencies and also do the first build
$ yarn install
In this current section you can find all commands to run the application in your machine. All the commands also are in the scripts
section of package.json.
$ yarn run build
The above command is used to build the production files.
Input: src/index.js
and src/index.html
Output: build/
$ yarn run dev
Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to view the app.
Note: Before execute the below command you need to run the build script(yarn run build).
$ yarn run start
Navigate to http://localhost:5000/ to view the app running with the production files.
$ yarn run eslint
This above command is used to identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript on the entire project.
In this section you can find all instruction to build a image in the production way. The current step is basically to create a image through Docker and Docker Compose, then you need to install them before any step.
The bellow command creates a new Docker image production of our application. Building and running our application with Docke Compose.
$ docker-compose up
The command reads the Dockerfile in the current directory and processes its instructions one by one to build an image called select_title_production
on your local machine.
Using the above command we have by default the select_title_production
available image running a docker container on http://<YOUR_IP>:8079, http://<YOUR_IP>:8080, http://<YOUR_IP>:8081.
Why use it?
Eliminate the "it works on my machine" problem once and for all. Package dependencies with your apps in Docker containers for portability and predictability during development, testing, and deployment.
$ docker images -a
$ docker ps -a
$ docker build -t <INSERT THE IMAGE'S NAME> .
The command reads the Dockerfile in the current directory and processes its instructions one by one to build an image called <INSERT THE IMAGE'S NAME> on your local machine. By default, this command creates a production image of the application, and after run the image in a new container, it can be accessed on <YOUR_IP_ADDRESS>:8080.
This below command runs the a image in a new container. In that way, our application can be accessed <YOUR_IP_ADDRESS>:8080.
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 --name <INSERT THE CONTAINER'S NAME> -d <INSERT THE IMAGE'S NAME>
Executing the below command you will enter in you running container and operate it as your local machine.
$ docker exec -it <INSERT THE CONTAINER'S NAME> sh
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch with specs (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
- Jaelson Carvalho (jcarva)
Some parts of this project follow the style guide from React Redux Universal Hot Example and Ducks: Redux Reducer Bundles.
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC license.
You can check out the full license here