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This repository contains teaching material for an introductory machine learning course.

Students of my course do not need to pull this repository or follow the instructions below. This repository is mostly used to create the interactive websites on


To use the code, we recommend downloading Julia version 1.9.3 with juliaup.


1. Install juliaup

winget install julia -s msstore

2. Add Julia 1.9.3

juliaup add 1.9.3

3. Make 1.9.3 default

juliaup default 1.9.3

1. Install juliaup

curl -fsSL | sh

You may need to run source ~/.bashrc or source ~/.bash_profile or source ~/.zshrc if juliaup is not found after installation.

Alternatively, if brew is available on the system you can install juliaup with

brew install juliaup

2. Add Julia 1.9.3

juliaup add 1.9.3

3. Make 1.9.3 default

juliaup default 1.9.3

1. Install juliaup

curl -fsSL | sh

You may need to run source ~/.bashrc or source ~/.bash_profile or source ~/.zshrc if juliaup is not found after installation.

Alternatively, use the AUR if you are on Arch Linux or zypper if you are on openSUSE Tumbleweed.

2. Add Julia 1.9.3

juliaup add 1.9.3

3. Make 1.9.3 default

juliaup default 1.9.3

4. Installing MLCourse

Once you have finished the above steps 1.-3. for your operating system, launch julia and run the following code to install the course material.

julia> using Pkg
       Pkg.activate(temp = true)
       Pkg.develop(url = "")
       Pkg.activate(joinpath(Pkg.devdir(), "MLCourse"))
       using MLCourse

Many packages and binaries are downloaded in the Pkg.instantiate() step. If you encounter an error message like ERROR: Unable to automatically install 'sysimage' or ERROR: failed to clone from ... rerun Pkg.instantiate() a moment later.


Once MLCourse is installed, you can open the notebooks in a Julia REPL anytime with

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.activate(joinpath(Pkg.devdir(), "MLCourse"))
       using MLCourse

You can update the course material with

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.activate(joinpath(Pkg.devdir(), "MLCourse"))
       using MLCourse