Install Hugo (guide):
sudo dnf install hugo
Clone this repository (or your fork).
To build the website:
npm install
npm run build
To run a preview of the website on a local server:
hugo serve
To upload the (new) production web site, run the following command. If everything went OK, the new web site is updated automatically.
rsync -Pr --protocol=28 --delete-after public/* jbosstm@<rysnc_hostname>:www_htdocs/jbosstm/
Pre-requisite: please use JDK21 for releasing!
After a new Narayana version is released we need to make sure that also the following components are updated:
- download links and release date need updating ( at
- api needs updating (unzip the javadoc build by the narayana-full component into the api folder) at
- project and product documentation (built from the documentation project) need updating at
Please note: when building narayana and documentation projects you need to make sure to use the correct release tag (e.g. 'git checkout 7.0.x.Final') if you want the right version of the api and docs