An API for retrieving and updating SET issues from multiple issue trackers.
Contributions welcome, but make sure your code passes checkstyle and respects the formatting style before submitting a PR. Furthermore, all new files must contain the JBOSS copyright notice, templates for different IDEs can be found here.
Where possible, please try to link a commit to the GitHub issue that it aims to solve. Commit messages should be in the format "Issue #<Insert issue number here>: <Insert relevant message>". Note, ensure that there is a space before "#" so that GitHub can automatically transform the string into a link to the relevant issue.
Add aphrodite to your pom:
Add the remote repository to your pom:
Specify the location of the file via the system property (or system environment variable) "aphrodite.config". An example properties file can be found here
Aphrodite aphrodite = Aphrodite.instance();
IssueTrackerConfig jiraService =
new IssueTrackerConfig("", "your username", "your password", TrackerType.JIRA, 200);
IssueTrackerConfig jiraService =
new IssueTrackerConfig("", "your token", TrackerType.JIRA, 200);
List<IssueTrackerConfig> issueTrackerConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
RepositoryConfig githubService = new RepositoryConfig("", "your username", "your password", RepositoryType.GITHUB);
List<RepositoryConfig> repositoryConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
StreamConfig streamService=new StreamConfig(new URL(""), StreamType.JSON);
List<StreamConfig> streamConfigs=new ArrayList<>();
AphroditeConfig config = new AphroditeConfig(issueTrackerConfigs, repositoryConfigs, streamConfigs);
Aphrodite aphrodite = Aphrodite.instance(config);
The Aphrodite class implements the AutoCloseble interface, so in order for all resources to be closed you must either call the close() method explicitly or utilise a try with resources statement when calling Aphrodite.instance(). For example:
try(Aphrodite aphrodite = Aphrodite.instance()){
// perform some aphrodite operations
Aphrodite aphrodite = Aphrodite.instance();
// perform some aphrodite operations
Aphrodite supports conditional-requests by using OkHttp to provide a pluggable connector through HttpConnector.
In order to use the HTTP response cache, you need to define the cache attributes through system properties (or system environment variables):
- cacheDir: cache directory
- cacheName: cache name
- cacheSize: cache size in MB
e.g. Configuration in WildFly / JBoss EAP Server Standalone.xml
<property name="cacheDir" value="/path/to/cache"/>
<property name="cacheName" value="github-cache"/>
<property name="cacheSize" value="10"/>
Aphrodite starts with no cache mode if there is no cache properties configuration.
// 1.Get individual Issue include comments
Issue issue = aphrodite.getIssue(new URL(""));
// 2.Update issue
issue.setAssignee(new User("[email protected]","redhat"));
// 3.Get issues
Collection<URL> urls=new ArrayList<>();
urls.add(new URL(""));
urls.add(new URL(""));
urls.add(new URL(""));
List<Issue> issues=aphrodite.getIssues(urls);
// 4.Add comment to issue
aphrodite.addCommentToIssue(issue, new Comment(null,null,"comment test",false));
// 5.Add comments to issues
Issue issue2 = aphrodite.getIssue(new URL(""));
Map<Issue,Comment> maps=new HashMap<>();
maps.put(issue, new Comment("comment test",false));
maps.put(issue2, new Comment("comment test",false));
// 6.Search Issues
SearchCriteria sc = new SearchCriteria.Builder()
.setProduct("JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6")
List<Issue> result = aphrodite.searchIssues(sc);
//it's same as the jira test,you only need change the URL
// 1.Get individual issue include comments
Issue issue = aphrodite.getIssue(new URL(""));
// 2.Update issue
// 1.Get code repository
Repository repo=aphrodite.getRepository(new URL(""));
// 2.Get individual patch
Patch patch=aphrodite.getPatch(new URL(""));
// 3.Get all patches associated with a given issue
List<Patch> patches=aphrodite.getPatchesAssociatedWith(new Issue(new URL("")));
// 4.Get patches by status
List<Patch> patches=aphrodite.getPatchesByStatus(repo, PatchStatus.CLOSED);
// 5.Add a comment to patch
aphrodite.addCommentToPatch(patch, "Example Comment");
// 6.Add label to patch,the label name must can be found in the patch
aphrodite.addLabelToPatch(patch, "bug");
// 7.Find patches related with the patch
List<Patch> patches=aphrodite.findPatchesRelatedTo(patch);
// 8.Retrieve all labels associated with the repository
Repository repo=new Repository(new URL(""));
List<Label> labels=aphrodite.getLabelsFromRepository(repo);
// 9.Retrieve all labels associated from the patch
List<Label> labelss=aphrodite.getLabelsFromPatch(patch);
// 10.delete a label from patch
aphrodite.removeLabelFromPatch(patch, "Test");
// 11.Set the labels for the provided patch
List<Label> labels=new ArrayList<>();
labels.add(new Label("Test"));
labels.add(new Label("TestLabel"));
aphrodite.setLabelsToPatch(patch, labels);
// 12.Retrieve the current CI status of the latest commit associated with a given patch
CommitStatus status=aphrodite.getCommitStatusFromPatch(patch);
// 1.Get all streams from a url
List<Stream> ss=aphrodite.getAllStreams();
// 2.Get stream by stream's name eg:"wildfly"
Stream stream=aphrodite.getStream("wildfly");
// 3.Retrieve all unique Repositories that exists across all Streams
List<Repository> repositories=aphrodite.getDistinctURLRepositoriesFromStreams();
// 4.Retrieve all Repositories associated with a given Stream eg:"wildfly"
List<Repository> urls=aphrodite.getDistinctURLRepositoriesByStream("wildfly");
// 5.Find all the streams associated to the given repository and codebase
Repository repo=new Repository(new URL(""));
Codebase code=new Codebase("master");
List<Stream> ss=aphrodite.getStreamsBy(repo, code);
// 6.Get the StreamComponent which specifies the given repository and codebase
Repository repo=new Repository(new URL(""));
Codebase code=new Codebase("master");
StreamComponent name=aphrodite.getComponentBy(repo, code);