This repository provides the materials for a LaTeX workshop for beginner users.
Users are required to:
- Open an account in, an online LaTeX compiler. The basic version is free.
- Download and install Mendeley, a bibliographic references management system available at The basic version is free.
- Download and install R and R studio for statistical analysis. R is available at and RStudio is available at Both programs are free and open source software.
The distribution package includes the following files:
- doc_master.tex is the main document for the LaTeX workshop
- doc_master.pdf is the PDF document generated by the LaTeX script
- doc_sample_v1.tex is a sample LaTeX document with the most basic functions
- presentation_sample.tex is a basic Beamer presentation
- presentation_sample.pdf is the PDF presentation generated by the LaTeX script
- mybiblio.bib is a bibliography file in .BibTex format
- image1.PNG, image2.JPG, and presentation_1.PNG are images used as ancillary files
- Stargazer.R is a basic R script for generating regression tables
- mytable1.tex and mytable2.tex are regression tables in LaTeX format generated with the R script