pell is the simplest and smallest WYSIWYG text editor for web, with no dependencies
library | size (min+gzip) | size (min) | jquery | bootstrap | react | link |
pell | 1.38kB | 3.54kB | | |||
squire | 16kB | 49kB | | |||
medium-editor | 27kB | 105kB | | |||
quill | 43kB | 205kB | | |||
trix | 47kB | 204kB | | |||
ckeditor | 163kB | 551kB | | |||
trumbowyg | 8kB | 23kB | x | | ||
summernote | 26kB | 93kB | x | x | | |
draft | 46kB | 147kB | x | | ||
froala | 52kB | 186kB | x | | ||
tinymce | 157kB | 491kB | x | |
- Pure JavaScript, no dependencies, written in ES6
- Easily customizable with the sass file (pell.scss) or overwrite the CSS
Included actions:
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Strike-through
- Heading 1
- Heading 2
- Paragraph
- Quote
- Ordered List
- Unordered List
- Code
- Horizontal Rule
- Link
- Image
Other available actions (listed at
- Justify Center
- Justify Full
- Justify Left
- Justify Right
- Subscript
- Superscript
- Font Name
- Font Size
- Indent
- Outdent
- Clear Formatting
- Undo
- Redo
Or create any custom action!
- IE 9+ (theoretically, but good luck)
- Chrome 5+
- Firefox 4+
- Safari 5+
- Opera 11.6+
npm install --save pell
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
/* override styles here */
.pell-content {
background-color: pink;
<!-- Bottom of body -->
<script src=""></script>
// ES6
import pell from 'pell'
// or
import { exec, init } from 'pell'
// Browser
// or
// Initialize pell on an HTMLElement
// <HTMLElement>, required
element: document.getElementById('some-id'),
// <Function>, required
// Use the output html, triggered by element's `oninput` event
onChange: html => console.log(html),
// <string>, optional, default = 'div'
// Instructs the editor which element to inject via the return key
defaultParagraphSeparator: 'div',
// <boolean>, optional, default = false
// Outputs <span style="font-weight: bold;"></span> instead of <b></b>
styleWithCSS: false,
// <Array[string | Object]>, string if overwriting, object if customizing/creating
//<string> (only required if overwriting)
// action.icon<string> (optional if overwriting, required if custom action)
// action.title<string> (optional)
// action.result<Function> (required)
// Specify the actions you specifically want (in order)
actions: [
name: 'custom',
icon: 'C',
title: 'Custom Action',
result: () => console.log('Do something!')
// classes<Array[string]> (optional)
// Choose your custom class names
classes: {
actionbar: 'pell-actionbar',
button: 'pell-button',
content: 'pell-content',
selected: 'pell-button-selected'
// Execute a document command, see reference:
// this is just `document.execCommand(command, false, value)`
pell.exec(command<string>, value<string>)
- bold
- italic
- underline
- strikethrough
- heading1
- heading2
- paragraph
- quote
- olist
- ulist
- code
- line
- link
- image
<div id="editor" class="pell"></div>
HTML output:
<div id="html-output" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"></div>
import { exec, init } from 'pell'
const editor = init({
element: document.getElementById('editor'),
onChange: html => {
document.getElementById('html-output').textContent = html
defaultParagraphSeparator: 'p',
styleWithCSS: true,
actions: [
name: 'italic',
result: () => exec('italic')
name: 'backColor',
icon: '<div style="background-color:pink;">A</div>',
title: 'Highlight Color',
result: () => exec('backColor', 'pink')
name: 'image',
result: () => {
const url = window.prompt('Enter the image URL')
if (url) exec('insertImage', url)
name: 'link',
result: () => {
const url = window.prompt('Enter the link URL')
if (url) exec('createLink', url)
classes: {
actionbar: 'pell-actionbar-custom-name',
button: 'pell-button-custom-name',
content: 'pell-content-custom-name',
selected: 'pell-button-selected-custom-name'
// editor.content<HTMLElement>
// To change the editor's content:
editor.content.innerHTML = '<b><u><i>Initial content!</i></u></b>'
<div id="editor" class="pell"></div>
Markdown output:
<div id="markdown-output" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"></div>
import { init } from 'pell'
import Turndown from 'turndown'
const { turndown } = new Turndown({ headingStyle: 'atx' })
element: document.getElementById('editor'),
actions: ['bold', 'italic', 'heading1', 'heading2', 'olist', 'ulist'],
onChange: html => {
document.getElementById('markdown-output').innerHTML = turndown(html)
$pell-content-height: 400px;
// See all overwriteable variables in src/pell.scss
// Then import pell.scss into styles:
@import '../../node_modules/pell/src/pell';
/* After pell styles are applied to DOM: */
.pell-content {
height: 400px;
BrowserStack for cross browser testing: