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memoization issues with 3rd party libraries (incl. React Navigation) #112

chankruze opened this issue Jan 15, 2022 · 51 comments


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Before posting this isuue, I already read the #97 and thoroughly. From there I understand that, the theme change won't re-render components using memo.

My question is, how can we useAppColorScheme() with React Navigation and get this to work ?

I've created a minimal repo and also recorded the screen for the demo purpose.

Repo Link
Video Demo

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Thanks for the time you took making the repo and the video.

I don't have an answer for you at this point. I've not used React Navigation with twrnc, so I've not encountered this issue personally. I just looked for a few minutes through the code of react navigation, and they do use React.useMemo pretty extensively, although it's not easy for me to see if they are memoizing core components, or other values.

I think the way to really figure this out would be to try determine for sure that React Navigation is memoizing a key point in your component heirarchy, and exactly where. I might try this by putting some console.log('rendering SomeComponent') in the render functions of some components until i can figure out where it stops rendering.

If you can isolate where the renders get blocked by use-memo, the next thing I would do is see if that component accepts some prop that I could change when the app color scheme changes, thus forcing it to re-render. You might even be able to pass the component some arbitrary key prop, forcing a rerender.

I'm busy working on other things right now, so I'm not going to do a really in-depth troubleshooting of your case at this point, but I would hope that you might be able to try the technique I described above, and possibly find a solution. If you do, it would be great if you could share it in this issue for others. If some sort of pattern emerges, then maybe we could incorporate it into the library itself.

If you get totally stuck and are not able to find a workaround, let me know, I might be able to set aside some time before too long to take a shot at it myself as well.

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@jaredh159 Sure!
I got all your points. I'll try the key prop way, cause this seems cleaner to me and I've used this way in a game I developed. Thank you for your replay by the way.

Meanwhile, I will use shopify restyle for theming purpose. But I believe this is a good issue. I'll try my best to help you with this.

Thanks ;)

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@chankruze Hi, how did you resolve this issue at the end ?

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@chankruze Hi, how did you resolve this issue at the end ?

I am using shopify restyle for theming purpose for now. It also helps in consistent ui.

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tmlamb commented Jul 29, 2022

I've noticed a similar issue with React Navigation when using withDeviceColorScheme: true on iOS.

When the device theme changes between dark/light, navigating to a new page in the app successfully reflects the new theme except when navigating to the first screen in the stack (i.e. the "home page"). I believe it may be because I only navigate to that screen using React Navigation's goBack, which does not re-render the screen unless there has been a state change.

A workaround I'm using is to force the home page screen to always re-render with React Navigation's useFocusEffect and a changing key prop on the component, although I could see this being detrimental if the component is expensive to render. Anyone have any suggestions on better way? I tweaked the repo provided by @chankruze to use the device theme and with my solution to demonstrate:


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JamesHemery commented Aug 4, 2022

The problem is present with all the memoized components, having a hook/HOC for all these components is not a technically good solution, I will try to find a solution for my application and make a PR if ever.

Update: Adding a key props on the React Navigation Navigator component with the current breakpoint as value works perfectly.

import { config } from '@ui/tailwind';

function useBreakpoint() {
  const { width } = useDeviceDimensions();

  const breakpoints = Object.keys(config.theme.screens).reverse();
  const breakpointIndex = Object.values(config.theme.screens)
    .map((breakpoint) => parseInt(breakpoint.replace('px', ''), 10))
    .findIndex((breakpoint) => width >= breakpoint);

  return breakpoints[breakpointIndex];

export function GuestStack() {
  const breakpoint = useBreakpoint();

  return (
         {/* Screens... */}

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tmlamb commented Oct 25, 2022

I'd like to share an improved approach I've found to handling system theme changes when using this library with React Navigation. The solution I described in my last comment was to naively re-render to root screen of the app whenever the user navigated to it via the useFocusEffect:

import React from 'react'
import { useFocusEffect } from '@react-navigation/native'
import { View } from "react-native";

export default function HomeScreen() {
  const [forceRenderKey, setForceRenderKey] = React.useState(0)
    React.useCallback(() => {
      setForceRenderKey(v => v + 1)
    }, [])

  return (
    <View key={forceRenderKey}>
        // Home screen content...

This worked fine with a home/root screen that was fairly static and didn't rely on any async behavior to render. In a new app I'm working on, the home screen requires a network request to render content, so the above approach results in the network request being sent whenever the user navigates away then back to the home screen, and the visual delay that entails (not ideal at all). The improvement I found is to have the home screen keep a reference to the system theme, and compare to the current theme onFocusEffect and when the app switches from background to foreground, so that the key that forces rerender only increments when needed:

import React from 'react'
import { useFocusEffect } from '@react-navigation/native'
import { Appearance, AppState, View } from "react-native";

export default function HomeScreen() {
  const [forceRenderKey, setForceRenderKey] = React.useState(0)
  const colorScheme = React.useRef(Appearance.getColorScheme());

  const handleColorSchemeChange = () => {
    const systemColorScheme = Appearance.getColorScheme();
    if (colorScheme.current !== systemColorScheme) {
      setForceRenderKey((v: number) => v + 1);
      colorScheme.current = systemColorScheme;

    React.useCallback(handleColorSchemeChange, [])

  const appState = React.useRef(AppState.currentState);
  useEffect(() => {
    const listener = AppState.addEventListener("change", (nextAppState) => {
      if (
        appState.current.match(/inactive|background/) &&
        nextAppState === "active"
      ) {
      appState.current = nextAppState;
    return () => {
  }, []);

  return (
    <View key={forceRenderKey}>
        // Home screen content...

There may be more to consider if you give users the ability to toggle your app's theme separately from the system theme, but I think that could be handled with a little additional state/logic.

It's also worth considering moving the foreground event listener to a HOC that can be reused on every screen in an app, since switching from background to foreground seems to cause visual issues in the React Navigation header even on pages that are not at the root of the React Navigation stack.

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@tmlamb that's really helpful, thanks for taking the time to make the detailed writeup with code samples, i appreciate it.

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Nova41 commented Nov 12, 2022

I found a much easier solution, but I am not sure if it's case-specific. Simply add a useColorScheme() hook call to the component that does not update w.r.t device's color scheme. This will trigger a rerender on the component every time the system color scheme changes.


export const RootStackNavigation = () => {
  return (
      <Stack.Screen name="HomeScreen" component={HomeScreen} />

export const HomeScreen = () => {
  useColorScheme(); // <-- add this

  return (
    <View style={tw`bg-white dark:bg-black`} />

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I was able to solve this using the docs: Enabling Device-Context Prefixes

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tmlamb commented Dec 4, 2022

I found a much easier solution, but I am not sure if it's case-specific. Simply add a useColorScheme() hook call to the component that does not update w.r.t device's color scheme. This will trigger a rerender on the component every time the system color scheme changes.

@Nova41 With this approach are you able to see a React Navigation Header component with a theme-dependent background also switch to the new color at the same time as the screen View? I tried in my own app and I'm having trouble getting the header to re-render along with the screen view.

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Nova41 commented Dec 5, 2022

I found a much easier solution, but I am not sure if it's case-specific. Simply add a useColorScheme() hook call to the component that does not update w.r.t device's color scheme. This will trigger a rerender on the component every time the system color scheme changes.

@Nova41 With this approach are you able to see a React Navigation Header component with a theme-dependent background also switch to the new color at the same time as the screen View? I tried in my own app and I'm having trouble getting the header to re-render along with the screen view.

I am using a custom header rendered within the component so it wasn't really an issue for me. Regarding your case, I think the header from the navigation library would not be rerendered, as it is not handled by the component and thus the state update of the component triggered by the hook does not trigger a rerender on the header. Perhaps you can try manually triggering a rerender of the header from the component by using the ref to the navigation (useNavigation) to set the header title to the same one?

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JamesHemery commented Aug 16, 2023

Update : our first solution cause reset on navigation state when device context (eg. dark mode) change.

To solve this, we first tried to create a styled HOC (like NativeWind) to create derivative components that watch device context and trigger a re-render on changes (eq. const StyledView = styled(View);).

However, with twrnc the style is compiled in the parent component (e.g. screen) when the component is called, so this didn't solve our problem. With expo-router, the problem is even greater, since it's not possible to trigger a re-render of the screens easily, even though the problem would be present with any memoised component.

Finally, we've solved the problem by stopping import the tw variable directly, and using a useTw hook instead.

import { useColorScheme, useWindowDimensions, Appearance } from 'react-native';
import { tw } from './tailwind';

export function useTw(){
  const window = useWindowDimensions();
  const colorScheme = useColorScheme();

  return tw;

In this way, every component that uses tw is re-rendered when the context changes. We looking for better solution.

@jaredh159 are you open to review a v4 RFC ?

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i definitely feel like this whole memoization thing needs to be solved in the library, the more i think about it. i'm not 100% convinced though that this is the right approach.

internally, tw has a function called deriveCacheGroup which basically is a string made up of parts that could invalidate the current cache based on prefixes changing in the device context, strings are basically like w900--h600--fs1.3--dark--retina. i'm wondering if there's a way we could expose a hook to break memoization when this changes, and then components could opt into adding a special prop that takes this memo-breaker. i'm wondering if that would be better than having to call useTw() every time you want to use the tw func. but i could be missing something major.

would you perhaps be willing to setup a small expo sample project that demostrantes the core problem that i could test on?

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JamesHemery commented Aug 17, 2023

The problem isn't the twnrc cache, but the fact that all components using tw must be re-rendered when the context changes. This is not the case for memoized components or expo-router screens.

I'll setup a repo with all of these issues.

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yeah, i didn't think the cache was the problem, more that a change to the cache group key could serve as the exactly correct proxy for when to break memoization. isn't this issue at it's core a memoization issue as well?

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yeah, i didn't think the cache was the problem, more that a change to the cache group key could serve as the exactly correct proxy for when to break memoization. isn't this issue at it's core a memoization issue as well?

The problem is more twrnc's ability to trigger re-renders on memoized React components. useDeviceContext can trigger a re-render when the context changes, but this has no impact on child components that are memoized :/

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reedwane commented Nov 1, 2023

Thanks for the great work on twrnc @jaredh159 . I am working on my first mobile project as a react web developer and this has been immensely helpful.

I hope we can get a permanent fix to this dark mode issue with react navigation soon.

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@reedwane I tried to work on this issue this morning, but I can't get the reproduction app that @chankruze so kindly made to build. Seems like it was built with a really old version of RN (0.64), and I got metro runtime errors. I tried updating RN and got other errors. I'm willing to try to address the trwrnc integration stuff, but I don't really want to fight through all the RN/expo issues just to be able to start working.

would you, or @chankruze or maybe @JamesHemery be willing to take a crack at updating the reproduction repo so that it works with updated dependencies, and builds on node 18 (or tell me which node version it will work on). if i can get the sample app working, I'll try to dig in and see if I can expose some hook that would potentially solve this. thanks!

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chankruze commented Nov 3, 2023

@jaredh159 Sure will check again tonight and let you know. Happy to help ;)

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@chankruze thanks, maybe i spoke to soon, i created a new expo app and then added a few deps and copied your components over, and i have it building now. i'll submit a PR to your repo in a sec...

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ok, so maybe this is a totally naive attempt, but i took a crack at this, and have @chankruze's repro app fixed (i think).

the basic idea is what i proposed earlier in this thread, and some people have experimented with, using the key prop to selectively force a re-render.

i made an experimental beta release of twrnc that causes useDeviceContext() to return a string that will be stable until something with the device context changes, hopefully suitable to pass as a key prop. here's the commit with the key changes:


Then, I applied this memo buster as a key on the react navigation container. And when I did that, i observed the issue someone noted, where the react navigation container seems to lose it's place in the stack (in the sample app, the home page would re-render, even if i was on the "about" page).

so, i just moved the memo-busting onto the <Stack.Navigator /> component, and it seemed to work... again, i have no idea if this is a robust solution, so I'm wondering if any of you in this thread could try to find issues with it. here's the code where i integrated the memoization busting:


if anyone wants to play around with it, you can clone my repo here and checkout the test-memo-buster branch

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I understand what you did. Let me check this tonight and share the result.

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JamesHemery commented Nov 3, 2023

so, i just moved the memo-busting onto the <Stack.Navigator /> component, and it seemed to work... again, i have no idea if this is a robust solution, so I'm wondering if any of you in this thread could try to find issues with it.

After many research, move it on <Stack.Navigator /> will cause the same behavior if you have nested browsers. All my research led me to the opening of the RFC, which solves all the problems I encountered on a large application.

Currently this is how I use twrnc :

import { createContext, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useRef } from 'react';
import { create, useDeviceContext } from 'twrnc';
import { useWindowDimensions } from 'react-native';
import type { ReactNode } from 'react';
import type { TwConfig, TailwindFn } from 'twrnc';

const TailwindContext = createContext<{
  instance: TailwindFn | null;
  key: string | null;
  instance: null,
  key: null,

export function TailwindProvider({ config, children }: { config: TwConfig; children: ReactNode }) {
  const [_, forceUpdate] = useReducer((x) => x + 1, 0);

  const dimensions = useWindowDimensions();

  const instance = useRef<TailwindFn>(create(config));
  const lastConfig = useRef<TwConfig>(config);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (lastConfig.current !== config) {
      instance.current = create(config);
      lastConfig.current = config;
  }, [config, forceUpdate]);

  const key = JSON.stringify(dimensions); // On my side key also contains color scheme and others informations about the styling context


  const value = useMemo(
    () => ({
      instance: instance.current,

  return <TailwindContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</TailwindContext.Provider>;

export function useTw() {
  const tw = useContext(TailwindContext);
  if (!tw.instance) {
    throw new Error('Tailwind config not provided.');

  return tw.instance;

By using custom useTw components are re-rendered when styling context change because our custom React context change. With this little trick you can also switch the tailwind config based on criteria such as color scheme.

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@JamesHemery yeah, i figured you would be able see a problem with this, thanks for chiming in. can you clarify what you mean by "nested browsers"? or is there any way that you could modify the reproduction repo to illustrate this problem. you very well might be right that something like useTw() is the right approach, but i'd like to see the problems hands-on before committing to that route. thanks!

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@jaredh159 I think by "nested browsers" he meant nested navigators I guess.

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@jaredh159 I think by "nested browsers" he meant nested navigators I guess.

Yes my bad, nested navigators like a Tab Navigator inside a Stack Navigator.

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reedwane commented Nov 4, 2023

Thanks very much @jaredh159 . I have tested the beta release with my app and it works for the toggle. By the way, I created the project using expo-router template, and I am using a context provider to pass the values across the app. The only issue on this is that the components using tw do not render as the dark mode when the app first loads even though the color scheme is picked as dark. But when I toggle the view subsequently, it seems to work fine.

const AppContextProvider = ({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) => {
  const buster = useDeviceContext(tw, { withDeviceColorScheme: false });
  const [colorScheme, toggleColorScheme, setColorScheme] =

  const contexts = { colorScheme, toggleColorScheme, setColorScheme, buster };

  return <AppContext.Provider value={contexts}>{children}</AppContext.Provider>;


function RootLayoutNav() {
  const { colorScheme, buster } = useAppContext();

  console.log(colorScheme, buster);

  return (
    <ThemeProvider value={colorScheme === "dark" ? DarkTheme : DefaultTheme}>
      <Stack key={buster}>
        <Stack.Screen name="(tabs)" options={{ headerShown: false }} />
        <Stack.Screen name="modal" options={{ presentation: "modal" }} />

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reedwane commented Nov 4, 2023

but if I remove { withDeviceColorScheme: false } from the useDeviceContext, it loads up appropriately with the dark mode applied first time, but doesn't toggle.

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@reedwane - for your initialization issue, the useAppColorScheme() function accepts an optional second parameter, which allows you to set the initial value. could that be the thing you're missing?

@JamesHemery would it be simple to modify the reproduction app to demonstrate the issue with nested navigation contexts?

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reedwane commented Nov 6, 2023

@reedwane - for your initialization issue, the useAppColorScheme() function accepts an optional second parameter, which allows you to set the initial value. could that be the thing you're missing?

I have been thinking about that actually . I just haven't been able to go back to it. I'll try soon and let you know. Thanks a bunch

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JamesHemery commented Nov 6, 2023

@JamesHemery would it be simple to modify the reproduction app to demonstrate the issue with nested navigation contexts?

The problem is much broader than that, and can be illustrated quite easily: all you need is a memoised component.

Let's imagine I have this structure :

- Stack (dynamic twrnc context key)
-- Screen 1
--- Form (memoised components)
-- Screen 2

In this case, the Stack will change when twrnc context change (#112 (comment)) so screen 1 will also be re-rendered and the navigation state lost. Losing the navigation state is a problem, but the real problem is that since the Form component is memoised, there's no incentive to re-render.

Reproduction (without router because it's more easy to read) :

import {Text, TouchableOpacity, View} from 'react-native';
import {memo, useReducer} from "react";
import {create, useAppColorScheme, useDeviceContext} from "twrnc";

const tw = create({});

const ClassicComponent = () => {
  return (
    <View style={tw`m-5 mt-30 border`}>
      <Text style={tw`text-lg`}>Classic component</Text>
      <View style={tw`bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-900`}>
        <Text style={tw`text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-50`}>My text in classic component will be updated</Text>

const MemoComponent = memo(() => {
  const [_, forceRender] = useReducer((i) => i + 1, 0);
  return (
    <View style={tw`m-5 border`}>
      <Text style={tw`text-lg`}>Memoised component</Text>
      <View style={tw`bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-900`}>
        <Text style={tw`text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-50`}>My text in memoised component will not be updated</Text>
      <TouchableOpacity style={tw`mt-4 p-3 bg-green-500`} onPress={forceRender}>
        <Text>Force render memoised component</Text>

export default function Screen() {
  useDeviceContext(tw, {withDeviceColorScheme: false});
  const [colorSchema, toggle] = useAppColorScheme(tw);

  return (
      <TouchableOpacity style={tw`mt-4 mx-5 p-3 bg-green-500`} onPress={toggle}>
        <Text>Toggle scheme</Text>

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reedwane commented Nov 6, 2023

@reedwane - for your initialization issue, the useAppColorScheme() function accepts an optional second parameter, which allows you to set the initial value. could that be the thing you're missing?

I set the second parameter using the value from useColorScheme() which returns dark. When I logged the values of colorScheme from useAppColorScheme it logged dark too.

But the first render still returns a light mode, then toggling switches to light mode and then properly to dark mode. Logging the colorScheme without using the second parameter on useAppColorScheme also logs 'dark', but doesn't render dark till toggling off an back on.

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Do we have any valid fix for this issue yet?
Thanks in advance...

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Aycom366 commented Dec 15, 2023

so, i just moved the memo-busting onto the <Stack.Navigator /> component, and it seemed to work... again, i have no idea if this is a robust solution, so I'm wondering if any of you in this thread could try to find issues with it.

After many research, move it on <Stack.Navigator /> will cause the same behavior if you have nested browsers. All my research led me to the opening of the RFC, which solves all the problems I encountered on a large application.

Currently this is how I use twrnc :

import { createContext, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useRef } from 'react';
import { create, useDeviceContext } from 'twrnc';
import { useWindowDimensions } from 'react-native';
import type { ReactNode } from 'react';
import type { TwConfig, TailwindFn } from 'twrnc';

const TailwindContext = createContext<{
  instance: TailwindFn | null;
  key: string | null;
  instance: null,
  key: null,

export function TailwindProvider({ config, children }: { config: TwConfig; children: ReactNode }) {
  const [_, forceUpdate] = useReducer((x) => x + 1, 0);

  const dimensions = useWindowDimensions();

  const instance = useRef<TailwindFn>(create(config));
  const lastConfig = useRef<TwConfig>(config);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (lastConfig.current !== config) {
      instance.current = create(config);
      lastConfig.current = config;
  }, [config, forceUpdate]);

  const key = JSON.stringify(dimensions); // On my side key also contains color scheme and others informations about the styling context


  const value = useMemo(
    () => ({
      instance: instance.current,

  return <TailwindContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</TailwindContext.Provider>;

export function useTw() {
  const tw = useContext(TailwindContext);
  if (!tw.instance) {
    throw new Error('Tailwind config not provided.');

  return tw.instance;

By using custom useTw components are re-rendered when styling context change because our custom React context change. With this little trick you can also switch the tailwind config based on criteria such as color scheme.

Thanks for this solution.However, This doesn't work for me. below is how I'm using the code

 <TailwindProvider config={require(`../tailwind.config.js`)}>
        <RootLayoutNav />
        <StatusBar style='auto' />

function RootLayoutNav() {
  return <Stack screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }} />;

export const AuthHeader = ({ title }: IProps) => {
  const tw = useTw();
  const [colorScheme] = useAppColorScheme(tw);
  const router = useRouter();

  return (
    <View style={tw`mt-[24px] gap-[36px]`}>
        onPress={() => router.canGoBack() && router.back()}
        accessibilityLabel='Go back'
          color={colorScheme === "dark" ? "white" : "#000"}
        style={tw`font-dmSans-700 text-custom-black dark:text-white max-w-[273px] text-[28px] leading-[37px]`}

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@JamesHemery thanks for the explanation and reproduction. sorry i reply so infrequently, as i've said before, i'm not facing this problem myself, or actively consuming this library (my rn apps are in maintenance mode), so it's hard to find time and motivation to dig into this.

i understand what you're saying about any memoized component being a problem, but in my mind, it seems like the solution could be just to bust the memoization of any memoized component, using the memo buster key approach. like in you're example, i can fix it by just changing one line to:

 <MemoComponent key={memoBuster} />

you might say, that's onerous for the developer to have to break memoization everywhere, and i sort of agree. however, i also think it's onerous to have to consume twrnc with a hook instead of a bare importable function. i like lots of my simple component to have implicit returns, and if we said that going forward you have to consume twrnc with useTw(), then every single one of my components needs an explicit return, and i lose a level of indentation for my whole app -- when i'm not even affected by this problem.

so, we could have both apis, where you can use the bare import wherever you're not having memo troubles, and then opt into useTw() at memoization boundaries to break the memoization. but when i think about that pattern, you are having the dev do a step to explicitly break memoization at those boundaries, and if you're doing that, why not just have them bust the memoization with a key? i guess i don't see the upside, unless you commit to literally using useTw() everywhere, (deprecating or removing the old way) which is something that i'm pretty reluctant to do, as it hurts the ergonomics significantly, and many devs are not facing this issue.

does that make sense? do you have any thoughts on that, or can you show me where my thinking is wrong? once again, really appreciate all of the thought and input you've put into this thread and the RFC, etc.

cc @Aycom366

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@jaredh159 Sometimes it's not possible to force the re-render with a key (expo-router for example). Even if we manage to do this, it will reset navigation, for example, which is a pity for the end user.

But I understand your point of view.

@jaredh159 jaredh159 changed the title How to properly toggle dark mode with useAppColorScheme() while using React Navigation memoization issues with 3rd party libraries (incl. React Navigation) Feb 12, 2024
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I've managed to solve the issue by using the tw.memoBuster property used as id for my navigators. Navigation state is preserved and all components are being updated as expected.

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This has been the cause of my problem, using dark: prefix in tailwind.config.js in my utilities... addUtilities function
So all I did is use one tw.memoBuster key on any provider component above Navigation and boom 💥, night and day baby

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javascripter commented May 16, 2024

Now that React Compiler is out, we're heading towards the world where memoized components are the default, not the opt-in on a case-by-case basis. So I believe this problem will become much widespread than it currently is.

I believe useTw() to subscribe for re-rendering is the most idiomatic approach. This is a bit cumbersome if you need to call for every component.

An alternative approach I'm proposing is inspired by react-strict-dom's html.div syntax. We can export both useTw() and convenient wrapper components like tw.View and tw.Text, where we don't need to even use tw function and can simply pass in the classNames in style prop.

Something like this:

export const tw = {
  View: function View(props) {
    const tw = useTw()
    return <View {...props} style={} />
  Text: // ...
  // Do this for most common components like View, Text, Pressable, ScrollView, FlatList, etc.

// Usage
function App() {
  return <tw.View style={'bg-blue-100''}>
    <tw.Text style={['text-red-500', 'text-lg']}>Hello</tw.Text>

For custom components or third-party components developers can simply use useTw() directly or build wrapper components that follow the tw.View convention.

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I think you can use a wrapper to wrap any component (just like @emotion/native).

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javascripter commented Jun 4, 2024

The reason I proposed exposing useTw() and pre-defined wrapper components as primitives instead of something like styled() function is that some components accept props other than style. FlatList is one such example.
With useTw(), FlatList wrapper is easy to define without any additional complexity:

const Tw_FlashList = props => {
  const tw = useTw()
  return <FlashList

With styled() style API, you need to implement a rather complex generics styled function in the library.
To implement styled() types correctly, you need to account for forwarding refs, different style props (TextStyle / ViewStyle), class component / functional component type differences, and more.

 // Maybe something like this, but much more complicated to implement correctly
const Tw_FlashList = styled(FlashList, {
  style: true,
  contentContainerStyle: true,

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The other problem with useTw() is it's very heavy -- it'll memo bust potentially when it doesn't need to. What if the component in question doesn't actually have any memoization problems? Instead you'll be re-rendering unnecessarily.

The "true" fix is to use a babel plugin and statically analyse the use of the tw function and add memoization busting specific to the styles it uses.

It's a lot more work -- but akin to what you'd really want for exact performance.

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Ali-Aref commented Jul 16, 2024

same here, any solution ? or we still have to use key={tw.memoBuster}

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tomihbk commented Sep 11, 2024

A bit noob here, but how do I use this memobuster stuff? Doing like this is not working for me :

import { Stack } from 'expo-router';
import tw, { useDeviceContext, useAppColorScheme } from 'twrnc';

export const unstable_settings = {
  // Ensure that reloading on `/modal` keeps a back button present.
  initialRouteName: '(tabs)',

export default function RootLayout() {
  useDeviceContext(tw, {
    observeDeviceColorSchemeChanges: false,
    initialColorScheme: `device`,

  const [colorScheme, toggleColorScheme, setColorScheme] = useAppColorScheme(tw);
  return (
    <Stack key={tw.memoBuster}>
      <Stack.Screen name="(tabs)" options={{ headerShown: false }} />


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A bit noob here, but how do I use this memobuster stuff? Doing like this is not working for me :

@tomihbk that looks roughly correct. you could try putting it on the Stack.Screen, but that might cause problems. if it's not working, this might be one of those cases that is not suited to the memo buster solution, and there might not be a great answer, other than some of the workarounds proposed earlier in the thread.

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tomihbk commented Sep 12, 2024

A bit noob here, but how do I use this memobuster stuff? Doing like this is not working for me :

@tomihbk that looks roughly correct. you could try putting it on the Stack.Screen, but that might cause problems. if it's not working, this might be one of those cases that is not suited to the memo buster solution, and there might not be a great answer, other than some of the workarounds proposed earlier in the thread.

Dear @jaredh159 , thanks for your input, I was able to make it to work by putting the key on :
<Tabs key={tw.memoBuster}>

Do you have any time frame where this issue will be gracefully solved ?

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@jaredh159 big thanks for this epic lib.

In my case I am using MobX and fixing this issue was very easy for me. I defined an observable twUpdateKey in my store. Where I call useDeviceContext in my app, I add this:

  useEffect(() => {
    store.twUpdateKey = tw.memoBuster;
  }, [tw.memoBuster]);

Then in useTw hook I read twUpdateKey and MobX re-renders the app when this key changes. However...

Re-rendering whole app is very bad for large codebases. Most views will just need flex, margin, padding classes etc. and these won't need to be re-rendered. I solved this by reading twUpdateKey only when needed. To determine "when do I need to read the update key?" I had to add a callback to twrnc to tell me when I should re-render my view. If anyone interested here is the commit:


And I use like this:

const tw = create(config);
tw.onRequireRender = () => {

With this update onRequireRender is called only from views which have classes for colors and certain prefixes like breakpoints, dark:, portait: etc.

I don't know exactly how to do it without MobX, onRequireRender might not be suitable for everyone so I'm not creating a PR but it might inspire someone to create a better solution.

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Thanks a lot for sharing this, I'm intrigued to know if it would help others with some of the trickier memoization issues. If it turned out to be a generally useful pattern, I'd be open to upstreaming this. Curious to see if any others in the thread might try out the approach with your fork and weigh in.

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Hi, also having this issue where I just wanted to add some context of that tw.memoBuster fix, whenever the app re-renders every temporary data are deleted, which includes current user inputs, form states (errors, using react-hook-form for example), etc... If any one got ideas to fix this, it would be awesome!

Also thanks for your work @jaredh159 the package brings almost the same TailwindCSS experience than the web version :)

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sircharleswatson commented Mar 7, 2025

@jaredh159 I'm not sure how helpful this is, or if it's the "best" way to do this. But after struggling for a few hours last night trying all the suggestions here, I ended up wrapping my app with a <ThemeProvider> that exports its own handlers for toggling the theme and this finally got everything to work for me!

Edit: I haven't tested this with breakpoints at all so this might actually be terrible for that. But for just a theme switcher, it works fine.

 * Theme Provider
type ColorScheme = "light" | "dark" | "device"

const ThemeProvider = (props: PropsWithChildren) => {
  useDeviceContext(tw, {
    observeDeviceColorSchemeChanges: false,
    initialColorScheme: mmkv.getString("colorScheme") as ColorScheme || "dark",

  const [colorScheme, toggleColorScheme] = useAppColorScheme(tw)

  const toggleTheme = () => {

  useEffect(() => {
    if (colorScheme) {
      mmkv.set("colorScheme", colorScheme as string)
  }, [colorScheme])

  return (
      value={{colorScheme, toggleTheme}} 

const useTheme = () => {
  const context = useContext(ThemeContext)

  if (!context) {
    throw new Error("useTheme must be used within a ThemeProvider")

  return context

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