This application was created with the create jambonz command. It provides some simple jambonz webhook applications that you can use to test your account setup on, or on your own self-hosted jambonz platform.
After creating an account on, you should first configure your voice carriers and speech services. Once you have done that, you can create a couple of applications referencing these webhooks:
- 'hello-world' is available via HTTP POST at, and will play a simple greeting to the caller using your configured text-to-speech speech credentials. By routing a DID from your carrier to this application, you can test both that inbound calling is working and that your text-to-speech credentials are working.
- 'dial-time' is available via HTTP POST at and will place an outbound call to the NRC talking clock. By routing a DID to this application, you can verify that outbound calling through your carrier is working.
You can also send call status events via HTTP POST to if you like, or you can create your own webhook application to receive them.
This application listens by default on port 3010 (can be changed by modifying the ecosystem.config.js exposes the following HTTP endpoints:
Answers incoming call and plays a greeting using text-speech
Dials out through your configured Carrier to a Canadian phone number that speaks the current Eastern Time every 10 seconds
Receives call-status events.