A collection of libraries that are helpful for building Cardano apps with Haskell. The main packages are:
: Functions and types that are used by the other packages.convex-node-client
: Some wrappers around the node client API fromcardano-api
: Minimal wallet implementationconvex-coin-selection
: Coin selection and transaction balancingconvex-mockchain
: Minimal mockchain for testsconvex-optics
: Some optics for plutus-ledger-api and cardano-apiconvex-tx-mod
: Command-line tool for working with transactions
The API documentation (Haddocks) is published here
The main
branch uses the following versions of its major dependencies:
Name | Version |
cardano-node |
10.1.4 |
cardano-api | |
ghc |
9.6.6 |
cabal | |
The command-line tool convex-tx-mod
can be used to download and analyse fully resolved transactions from blockfrost. Example:
export BLOCKFROST_TOKEN=<blockfrost_token>
convex-tx-mod download bba17fd7b99fd88e5cfffb3223cf3988367f5fa7371f6549474310b0453e4c0a -o tx.json
convex-tx-mod graph -f tx.json -o graph.dot
variable must be set to a token for the network that the transaction is from (ie mainnet, preprod).
This downloads the serialised transaction and all its inputs to tx.json
and then generates a dot graph in graph.dot
We use the TxBodyContent BuildTx BabbageEra
type from cardano-api
as the basic type for building transactions. The MonadBuildTx
class from Convex.BuildTx
is essentially a writer for TxBodyContent
modifications. Convex.BuildTx
defines a number of helper functions for common tasks such as spending and creating Plutus script outputs, minting native assets, setting collateral, etc.
defines some lenses for adding content to transaction bodies. These can be used together with MonadBuildTx.addBtx
import qualified Cardano.API.Shelley as C
import Convex.BuildTx (execBuildTx', payToAddress)
payTenAda :: Address BabbageEra -> TxBodyContent BuildTx BabbageEra
payTenAda addr = execBuildTx' (payToAddress addr (C.lovelaceToValue 10_000_000))
The task of converting a TxBodyContent BuildTx BabbageEra
to a valid cardano transaction that can be submitted to the network is split up into three parts: Coin selection, transaction balancing, and signing. These all take place in the context of a wallet.
Coin selection is the act of adding inputs and outputs to the unfinished transaction body so that the overall balance of the transaction is in Ada only (no native assets) and strictly positive, ideally a couple of Ada.
Transaction balancing means setting the transaction fee to the correct amount that covers both Plutus script execution costs and the regular transaction fees.
To sign the transaction we use the wallet's private key to create a signature of the serialised transaction body and attach this signature to the transaction's list of key witnesses.
Coin selection and balancing is implemented in Convex.CoinSelection
. The function balanceForWallet
takes care of all three tasks and returns a fully balanced and signed transaction, as well a list the changes affected by the transaction on each address it touches:
balanceForWallet :: (MonadBlockchain m, MonadFail m) => NodeParams -> Wallet -> UtxoState -> TxBodyContent BuildTx ERA -> m (C.Tx ERA, BalanceChanges)
Note the MonadBlockchain
effect which is explained in the next section.
Clearly, to use sc-tools
in practice we need to be able to talk to the Cardano network at some point. These interactions are covered by the MonadBlockchain
{-| Send transactions and resolve tx inputs.
class Monad m => MonadBlockchain m where
sendTx :: Tx BabbageEra -> m TxId -- ^ Submit a transaction to the network
utxoByTxIn :: Set C.TxIn -> m (C.UTxO C.BabbageEra) -- ^ Resolve tx inputs
Both operations can be performed efficiently by a Cardano node using cardano-api
includes a simple emulator that can be used to build and evaluate transactions. A simple unit test looks like this
import qualified Cardano.Api.Shelley as C
import qualified Convex.MockChain.CoinSelection as CoinSelection
import qualified Convex.MockChain.Defaults as Defaults
import qualified Convex.Wallet as Wallet
import qualified Convex.Wallet.MockWallet as Wallet
spendPublicKeyOutput :: Assertion
spendPublicKeyOutput = mockchainSucceeds $ do
let tx = emptyTx & payToAddress (Wallet.addressInEra Defaults.networkId Wallet.w2) (C.lovelaceToValue 10_000_000)
CoinSelection.balanceAndSubmit Wallet.w1 tx
See src/coin-selection/test/Spec.hs for more details.
The node-client
package exposes a simple interface to some of node client functions from cardano-api
. The main function is foldClient
foldClient ::
forall s.
s -> -- ^ Initial state
Env -> -- ^ Node connection data
(CatchingUp -> s -> BlockInMode CardanoMode -> IO (Maybe s)) -> -- ^ Fold
With this you can write a node client that makes use of cardano-node
's parallel block fetching feature AND takes care of rollbacks for you, by rolling back to earlier states s
if needed. You can use the IO
effect to talk to the outside world and to update some shared state that is used by the rest of your app.
There is also a slightly more sophisticated version:
{-| A variant of 'foldClient' with more detailed control over rollbacks.
foldClient' ::
forall s w.
Monoid w =>
s -> -- ^ Initial state
Env -> -- ^ Node connection data
(ChainPoint -> w -> s -> IO (w, s)) -> -- ^ Rollback
(CatchingUp -> s -> BlockInMode CardanoMode -> IO (Maybe (w, s))) -> -- ^ Fold
This lets you deal with rollbacks explicitly, by giving you a summary of type w
of all the data that has been rolled back.
The code in sc-tools
has been written with the following goals in mind.
- Stick to
where possible, avoid defining additional types that duplicate those fromcardano-api
- Provide an easy-to-use coin selection and balancing algorithm. It should be able to deal with Plutus scripts and native assets.
- Support off-chain code that fits in with the "fold of blocks"-style node client API from
is based on my personal experience working with various apps and libraries in the Cardano Haskell space. There is nothing in this repository that is completely new:
- Much of the emulator code has been copied from
- The transaction balancing code is mostly copied from
, with some modifications that were suggested by Jean-Frederic Etienne and his work on the Djed stablecoin implementation - The idea of having an extremely simple
class, and an extremely simple emulator, comes from Tweag'splutus-libs
. A big difference is that balancing is included as an effect incooked-validators
class, whereas insc-tools
it is just a set of functions. This was done to decouple the wallet implementation from the blockchain code. - The idea of having a little language for building transactions first appeared in
where it was called "constraints". This was then refined bycooked-validators
. Insc-tools
we do away with the special types for constraints, and work on theTxBody
type fromcardano-api
directly. - Turning unfinished transactions into fully valid transactions was first implemented in
What is new about this code is that it combines the above ideas in a codebase that adds as few abstractions as possible on top of cardano-api
. So you don't need any dependencies other than sc-tools
and cardano-api
to write all of the off-chain code of your app.
There aren't a lot of tests right now, but I have used this code for real DeFi transactions on mainnet (trust me!)
Bug reports, pull requests and other contributions are welcome!