- VardaGPT
VardaGPT is a memory-enhanced GPT-2 model powered by Hugging Face Transformers and FAISS. Inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's Silmarillion, VardaGPT aims to provide guidance and knowledge through its memory-augmented text generation capabilities.
The VardaGPTAssociative
model combines GPT-2 with an associative memory to
improve context retrieval. This repository includes a script to train this model
on the WikiText-2 dataset.
- Python 3.7+
- PyTorch 1.8.1+
- torchtext 0.9.1
- transformers 4.10.0
- rich 10.3.0
- faiss-cpu 1.7.1
To install the required packages, you can use the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To train the VardaGPTAssociative
model on the WikiText-2 dataset, use the
provided training script (train_varda_gpt_associative.py
). You can customize
the training settings by passing command-line arguments. Here's a basic example:
python train_varda_gpt_associative.py --epochs 5 --learning_rate 1e-4 --use_gpu
Available command-line arguments:
: Number of epochs to train the model (default: 5).--learning_rate
: Learning rate for the optimizer (default: 1e-4).--memory_size
: Maximum number of items the associative memory can store (default: 10000).--memory_dim
: Dimensionality of the embeddings stored in the associative memory (default: 768).--index_type
: Type of index used for the associative memory (default: "flat").--num_clusters
: Number of clusters to use for the memory if the index type is "ivf" (default: 1024).--num_search_results
: Number of search results to return from the associative memory (default: 5).--use_gpu
: Whether to use the GPU for the model if available (default: False).--batch_size
: Batch size for training (default: 1).--forgetfulness_factor
: Forgetfulness factor for the associative memory (default: 0.001).
During training, the script will periodically print the training loss, validation loss, and elapsed time for each epoch, along with a progress bar for each training step.
After training, you can use the trained model for your specific use case, such as text generation or fine-tuning for a particular task.
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!define AWSPUML https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awslabs/aws-icons-for-plantuml/v14.0
actor User
skinparam component {
BackgroundColor<<Data Preparation>> LightSkyBlue
BackgroundColor<<FAISS Memory>> Plum
BackgroundColor<<GPT-2 Adaptation>> LightGreen
BackgroundColor<<Training>> LightSalmon
BackgroundColor<<Inference>> LightCoral
BorderColor Black
FontName Arial
package "VardaGPT" {
[Data Preparation]<<Data Preparation>> --> [FAISS Memory]<<FAISS Memory>>
[Data Preparation]<<Data Preparation>> --> [GPT-2 Adaptation]<<GPT-2 Adaptation>>
[FAISS Memory]<<FAISS Memory>> --> [GPT-2 Adaptation]<<GPT-2 Adaptation>>
[GPT-2 Adaptation]<<GPT-2 Adaptation>> --> [Training]<<Training>>
[Training]<<Training>> --> [Inference]<<Inference>>
[FAISS Memory]<<FAISS Memory>> --> [Inference]<<Inference>>
User --> [Data Preparation]<<Data Preparation>> : Dataset
User --> [Inference]<<Inference>> : Prompts
This diagram shows the main components of the VardaGPT project and their interactions. The Data Preparation component processes the dataset and feeds it to both the FAISS Memory Model and the GPT-2 Model Adaptation component. The FAISS Memory Model generates embeddings, which are used by the GPT-2 Model Adaptation component to create a modified GPT-2 model. The modified GPT-2 model is then trained and evaluated, and the final trained model is used in the Inference and Application component. The user provides the dataset and prompts for text generation.
The associative memory model:
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rectangle "Input Vectors" as input #b3e0ff
rectangle "Memory" as memory #f2d7b9
rectangle "Concatenated Input" as concatenated_input #f6e3c6
rectangle "Fully Connected Layer (fc)" as fc #e5ebf0
rectangle "GPT-2 Transformer" as transformer #c6e0b4
rectangle "GPT-2 LM Head" as lm_head #c9daf8
rectangle "Fully Connected Layer\n(fc_storable_vector)" as fc_storable_vector #c9daf8
rectangle "Fully Connected Layer\n(fc_store_decision)" as fc_store_decision #c9daf8
input -down-> memory : Perform search in memory
memory -down-> concatenated_input : Concatenate search results with input vectors
concatenated_input -down-> fc : Apply fully connected layer (fc)
fc -down-> transformer : Pass through GPT-2 transformer
transformer -down-> lm_head : Apply GPT-2 lm_head
transformer -right-> fc_storable_vector : Apply fully connected layer (fc_storable_vector)
transformer -right-> fc_store_decision : Apply fully connected layer (fc_store_decision)
note right of fc_storable_vector: Calculate storable vector\n and store decision
note right of fc_store_decision: Store the storable_vector in\n the associative memory if\n the store_decision is affirmative
note bottom of lm_head: Return logits
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title Forward Function
!define Tensor(t,d) t + " (" + d + ")"
!define DEVICE "device"
actor "input_vectors" as input_vectors
actor "memory_input" as memory_input
note right of input_vectors
(batch_size, seq_len, embedding_dim)
end note
note right of memory_input
Tensor (optional):
(batch_size, seq_len, embedding_dim)
end note
input_vectors -> DEVICE
memory_input -> DEVICE
DEVICE -> "search(memory_input)" as search
search --> "indices, distances" as search_result
note right of search_result
indices: (batch_size, seq_len, num_search_results)
distances: (batch_size, seq_len, num_search_results)
end note
search_result -> "get_all_embeddings()" as all_embeddings
note right of all_embeddings
(memory_size, embedding_dim)
end note
all_embeddings -> "search_results" as search_results
note right of search_results
(batch_size, seq_len, search_results_dim)
end note
search_results --> "concatenate(input_vectors, search_results)" as concatenated_input
note right of concatenated_input
(batch_size, seq_len, embedding_dim + search_results_dim)
end note
concatenated_input --> "self.fc(concatenated_input)" as fc_output
note right of fc_output
(batch_size, seq_len, embedding_dim)
end note
fc_output --> "self.gpt2_model.transformer(inputs_embeds=input_vectors)" as transformer_outputs
transformer_outputs --> "hidden_states" as hidden_states
note right of hidden_states
(batch_size, seq_len, embedding_dim)
end note
hidden_states --> "self.gpt2_model.lm_head(hidden_states)" as logits
note right of logits
(batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size)
end note
hidden_states --> "self.fc_storable_vector(hidden_states)" as storable_vector
note right of storable_vector
(batch_size, seq_len, memory_dim)
end note
hidden_states --> "self.fc_store_decision(hidden_states)" as store_decision
note right of store_decision
(batch_size, seq_len, 1)
end note
hidden_states --> "self.fc_delete_decision(hidden_states)" as delete_decision
note right of delete_decision
(batch_size, seq_len, num_search_results)
end note
hidden_states --> "self.fc_deletable_vector(hidden_states)" as deletable_vector
note right of deletable_vector
(batch_size, seq_len, memory_dim)
end note
storable_vector --> "self.memory.add(storable_vector_to_store)" as add_memory
deletable_vector --> "calculate L2 distances" as l2_distances
note right of l2_distances
(batch_size, num_search_results)
end note
l2_distances --> "threshold comparison" as threshold_comparison
note right of threshold_comparison
Tensor (bool):
(batch_size, num_search_results)
end note
threshold_comparison --> "self.memory.remove(indices_to_delete_flat)" as remove_memory
logits --> "return logits" as return_logits
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skinparam activity {
BackgroundColor LightSkyBlue
BorderColor Black
FontName Arial
:Data Preparation;
partition "FAISS Memory Model" {
:Create FAISS Index;
:Encode and Decode Text Data;
:Test FAISS Index;
partition "GPT-2 Model Adaptation" {
:Load Pre-trained GPT-2 Model;
:Modify GPT-2 Architecture;
:Define Custom Loss Function;
partition "Training" {
:Train Adapted GPT-2 Model;
:Save Model Checkpoints;
partition "Evaluation" {
:Evaluate Model on Testing Set;
:Calculate Metrics;
if (Fine-tuning needed?) then (Yes)
partition "Fine-tuning" {
:Adjust Hyperparameters;
:Iterate Training and Evaluation;
partition "Inference and Application" {
:Inference Function;
:API or Interface;
- Collect and preprocess a dataset for training, evaluation, and fine-tuning.
- Split the dataset into training, validation, and testing sets.
- Create data loaders for handling data.
- Load a pre-trained GPT-2 model from Hugging Face Transformers.
- Modify the GPT-2 model architecture to incorporate the FAISS memory model.
- Define a custom loss function that considers both the GPT-2 model's output and the memory model.
- Set up the training loop and train the adapted GPT-2 model.
- Save model checkpoints and track training metrics (loss, perplexity, etc.).
- Monitor the training progress, validate the model on the validation set, and perform early stopping if necessary.
- Evaluate the trained model on the testing set.
- Calculate evaluation metrics (e.g., perplexity, accuracy, F1-score).
- If the model's performance on the testing set is not satisfactory, fine-tune the model with different hyperparameters, learning rates, or architectures.
- Iterate through the training and evaluation steps until the desired performance is achieved.
- Python 3.6 or higher
- PyTorch
- Hugging Face Transformers
- FAISS (CPU or GPU version)
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/VardaGPT.git
cd VardaGPT
- Create and activate a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install the required libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
: Contains the Python source code for the project.data/
: Stores the datasets used for training and evaluation.models/
: Holds the trained models and their checkpoints.
- Place your dataset in the
directory. - Preprocess and split your dataset into training, validation, and testing sets
using the provided scripts in
- Configure the training settings and model hyperparameters in the
file. - Run the training script:
python src/train.py
- Monitor the training progress and save model checkpoints in the
- Evaluate the trained model on the validation and testing sets using the provided evaluation script:
python src/evaluate.py
- Use the provided inference script to generate text with the memory-enhanced GPT-2 model:
python src/inference.py --prompt "Your prompt text here"
Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting pull requests or opening issues for bug reports and feature requests.
This project uses black
, flake8
, and mypy
for Python code formatting and
linting. We also use prettier
to format JSON and Markdown files. The
configuration for these tools is in the .pre-commit-config.yaml
- Install
if you haven't already:
pip install pre-commit
- Set up the git hooks:
pre-commit install
Whenever you commit changes, the pre-commit hooks will automatically format your code and check for issues. If the hooks detect any problems, the commit will be aborted, and you'll see a list of issues that need to be fixed. Once you've resolved the issues, you can try committing again.
You can also run the pre-commit hooks manually on all files:
pre-commit run --all-files
Or run the hooks on specific files:
pre-commit run --files <file1> <file2>
By following this setup and using pre-commit hooks, you can ensure that the code in the repository remains consistently formatted and adheres to the project's coding standards.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.