This project was built as a personal website for myself.
- Static site generator
- Markdown files for posts
- Automatic SEO based on fields in the markdown files.
- API calls to Twitch and IGDB for pulling game and stream resources.
- Next.js for Static Site Generator
- Integrate with Tailwind CSS
- PostCSS for processing Tailwind CSS
- Type checking TypeScript
- Linter with ESLint
- Code Formatter with Prettier
- SEO metadata, JSON-LD and Open Graph tags with Next SEO
- Twurple for making Twitch API calls.
- IGDB API for game information.
- Flat Cache for caching API calls.
- Sharp for image optimization and resizing.
Deployment happens automatically when merging a branch into main. Digital Ocean picks up on the merge, builds everything, and deploys it.