Multi-person, multi-camera 3D human pose visualization tool built using Mayavi. As used in MeTRAbs visualizations.
This repo does not contain pose estimation code, only the visualization part.
import poseviz
import cameralib
camera = cameralib.Camera(...)
with poseviz.PoseViz(...) as viz:
for frame in frames:
bounding_boxes, poses3d = run_pose_estimation_model(frame)
viz.update(frame=frame, boxes=bounding_boxes, poses=poses3d, camera=camera)
See also
The main feature of this tool is that the graphical event loop is hidden from the library user. We want to write code in terms of the prediction loop of the human pose estimator, not from the point of view of the visualizer tool.
Behind the scenes, this is achieved through forking a dedicated visualization process and passing new scene information via multiprocessing queues.
PoseViz is released as a conda package (experimental, tested only on Linux):
conda install poseviz -c isarandi
Alternatively, in case the above doesn't work, install Mayavi via conda (the Mayavi pip package has compilation problems), clone this repo and install PoseViz via pip:
conda install mayavi -c conda-forge
pip install git+
Then run to test if installation was successful.