Education 📚
- B.Tech (CSE): Sangai International University
- Schooling: Ashok Memorial Public School, Faridabad
Area of Interests 👓
- Skills - Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Exploration, Data Structures, IoT & Public Speaking
- Tools - Python, OpenCV, Numpy, Rapids, Flask, JavaScript, Linux-Ubuntu, SSH, Nvidia TLT, Microsoft Office, Docker, Git
Experience 👨💻
- AI Application Developer, SmartCow
- Jr. Machine Learning Engineer, SmartCow
- Computer Vision Intern, Prizmatics
My Work and Projects 🤖
- TLT Lightning - Nvidia Transfer Learning Toolkit based easy to use web application to Train / Infer / Prune / Deploy various SOTA Neural Networks for Deepstream SDK running on Jetson platforms.
- Kitti Augmentor - an image augmentation library similar to Nvidia DALI which can augment object detection dataset while transforming both images and bounding boxes at the same time.
- Yandex Crawler - an automated image scraper which can scrape millions of similar images quickly.
- Frame Buffer - a python library which can store some frames as a buffer on disk / memory and write it as a video when required using multiprocessing, without affecting the main loop.
- IMBO - a library to plot pretty bounding boxes with a simple Python API.
- Imcrypt - a python library to encrypt any string or file with a private key which can only be decrypted if you have the key.
- Link Shrink - Flask backend API with interactive JS based UI to short long URL's on the go.
- Imthread - a short little python module to help you run your iterable functions on multiple threads.
- Metal stamp OCR - computer vision techniques to extract and recognize characters from metal surfaces.
Blogs & Documentations 📝
Contact: 📞
- Mail me your requests at
[email protected]
Interests apart from coding ☕
- Let's talk over a cup of coffee