Documentation • Discussions • Changes History • Share Your Setup
Welcome to Pyprland, your gateway to extending the capabilities of Hyprland. Pyprland offers a plethora of plugins designed for simplicity and efficiency, allowing you to supercharge your productivity and customize your user experience.
You can think of it as a Gnome tweak tool but for Hyprland users (involves editing text files). With a "100%" plugin-based architecture, Pyprland is designed to be lightweight and easy to use.
Note that usage of Python and architecture of the software encourages using many plugins with little impact on the footprint and performance.
Contributions, suggestions, bug reports and comments are welcome.
- Explore our variety of plugins to tailor your Hyprland setup to your liking.
- New users, check the getting started guide.
About Pyprland (latest stable is: 2.4.0)
🎉 Hear what others are saying:
- "It just works very very well" - The Linux Cast (video) - February 2024
- You NEED This in your Hyprland Config - LibrePhoenix (video) - October 2023 (*Now TOML format is preferred over JSON)
Check out the creating a pull request document for guidance.
- Report bugs or propose features here
- Improve our wiki
- Read the internal ticket list for some PR ideas
and if you have coding skills you can also
- Enhance the coverage of our tests
- Propose & write new plugins or enhancements
- Hyprland >= 0.37
- Python >= 3.11
- aiofiles
Latest major changes
Check the Releases change log for more information
- Scratchpads are now pinned by default (set
pinned = false
for the old behavior)
- Supports Hyprland > 0.40.0
- Improved code kwaleetee
- monitors allows general monitor settings
- scratchpads
- better multi-window support
- better
implementation (i3 "compatibility")
- Added wallpapers and system_notifier plugins.
- Deprecated class_match in scratchpads
- Added gbar in 2.2.6
- scratchpads supports multiple client windows (using 2.2.19 is recommended)
- monitors and scratchpads supports rotation in 2.2.13
- Improve Nix support
- Requires Hyprland >= 0.37
- Monitors plugin improvements.
- New dependency: aiofiles
- Added hysteresis support for scratchpads.
- New fetch_client_menu and shortcuts_menu plugins.
- Introduced shortcuts_menu plugin.
- Requires Hyprland >= 0.30
- Added layout_center plugin.