stuff from my vimrc breaks into pieces for keeping organised things more organised
On Unix execute:
#backup current vimrc file if existed
mv ~/.vimrc{,_backup}
#clone project into special folder
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vimconfig \
&& ln -sfn ~/.vim/bundle/vimconfig/vimrc ~/.vim/vimrc
- Basic vim setting:
- Commands:
- Mapping:
- Plugins configuration:
- Functions implementation:
- Some plugin keybindings may changed to avoid conflict with default vim mapping
- More detail see each plugin SECTION under bundle.vim
is path where plugins are stored and managed by vim-plug
- Modify setting.vim to enable statusline with powerline symbols
let g:airline_powerline_fonts=0
- Make sure powerline-fonts installed
- On Linux: fontconfig should work out for any font without patching
- On MacOS: download and install patched fonts from powerline-fonts, set terminal using patched fonts
- See also
:h ultisnips-triggers
- Key changes in section ULTISNIPS
g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger <c-l>
g:UltiSnipsListSnippets <c-l>l
g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger <c-l>n
g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger <c-l>p
- Set default library path
let g:clang_library_path=expand("$HOME")."/lib/"
- Avoid conflict with tagjump
g:clang_jumpto_declaration_key <c-w>[
- Default shortcut to not conflict with behaviours
let g:ctrlp_map =[p
- Just fall back method which rarely used. Better using
to call fzf