- Prevents video from pausing when you switch tabs
- Allows opening inspect element without being booted
- Allows pasting into writing tutor
- Should be 100% hidden from Acellus
- All of their JS has a pinned version in this repo, they cannot add some sort of detection code
- (alternatively, acellus can just stop banning people from improving their platform)
* Used to allow 2x video speed, however now Acellus uses a server-side timing mechanism.
Setup an override with the following settings:
- Tab URL: *
- From: https://*.acellus.com/assets/*.js
- To: https://google.com
You can replace https://google.com
with any other site.
Why? Because this will stop the unpatched script from loading due to both CSP and a mismatched content type.
Also setup a "Change Headers" rule with the following settings:
- Tab URL: *
- For: https://*.acellus.com/*
- Request Headers: none
- Response Headers: Remove "Content-Security-Policy"
Setup an injection with the following settings:
URL Match: (admin19.+|signin)\.acellus\.com
Files: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/iiPythonx/acellus/patched_pub.js