Daedric is a price feed designed to be a component required for a price oracle running on ICON to work. The Daedric SCORE operator can update and share a price associated with a ticker symbol at any time. Once deployed, the Daedric SCORE operator may subscribe its SCORE to a price oracle (such as Hylian) in order to take part of the price consensus needed for the oracle to work in a decentralized manner.
- Quick start
- Deploy Daedric SCORE to localhost, testnet or mainnet
- Update an already deployed Daedric to localhost, testnet or mainnet
- Post a new price to the feed
- Read the values from a Daedric SCORE
- Update the price feed using a built-in price bot
Here is a checklist you will need to follow in order to deploy your first Daedric SCORE to the Yeouido testnet:
Install prerequisites:
python3 -m venv ./venv && source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install tbears
sudo apt install jq
Clone the Daedric repository:
git clone https://github.com/iconation/Daedric.git && cd Daedric
Start tbears using the
script located at the root folder of the Daedric repository./start_tbears.sh
Install the operator wallets:
- It will generate 3 operator wallets :
- A first one on the Yeouido network in
- A second one on the Euljiro network in
- A last one on the Mainnet network in
- A first one on the Yeouido network in
- Input a password for each network
Send few ICX (20 ICX should be enough) to the Yeouido wallet (the newly generated address is displayed after executing the
script) -
Deploy your SCORE to the testnet (optional) :
./scripts/score/deploy_score.sh -n yeouido -t ICXUSD
Test your Daedric SCORE by manually calling the following script (optional) :
./scripts/bots/equalizer/icxusd/post.sh -n yeouido
Check the value of your feed using the ICON Yeouido tracker (optional) :
- https://bicon.tracker.solidwallet.io/contract/<your_contract_address>#readcontract
Once you've successfully deployed Daedric on TestNet (optional), deploy your SCORE to the MainNet (required) :
./scripts/score/deploy_score.sh -n mainnet -t ICXUSD
- Please note that this command sometimes displays an error even when the SCORE has been successfully deployed, for an unknown reason. If that happens to you, please check for the contract address in the tracker : tracker.icon.foundation/address/<operator_hx_address> . Also, once you retrieved the SCORE address, write it into
The ICON team may take 3-4 working days for approving your SCORE. Please remain patient, and come back here once your SCORE has been approved!
Test your Daedric SCORE by manually calling the following script:
./scripts/bots/equalizer/icxusd/post.sh -n mainnet
Check the value of your feed using the ICON MainNet tracker :
- https://tracker.icon.foundation/contract/<your_contract_address>#readcontract
Install your price bot (Builtin or Marvin):
- Builtin : follow the instructions in the Update the price feed using a built-in price bot section;
- Marvin: Follow the instructions in the Marvin repository
If everything is working as intended, please share your SCORE address with @Spl3en, so your SCORE can be added to Hylian (price oracle).
- In the root folder of the project, run the following command:
- It should display the following usage:
> Usage:
`-> ./scripts/score/deploy_score.sh [options]
> Options:
-n <network> : Network to use (localhost, yeouido, euljiro or mainnet)
-t <ticker name> : Standardized name for the ticker (such as ICXUSD)
- Fill the
option corresponding to the network you want to deploy to:localhost
. - Fill the
option with the name of the ticker, such asICXUSD
. Note that ticker name needs to be the same than the deployed Medianizer SCORE. - Example :
$ ./scripts/score/deploy_score.sh -n localhost -t ICXUSD
If you modified the Daedric SCORE source code, you may need to update it.
In the root folder of the project, run the following command:
$ ./scripts/score/update_score.sh
- It should display the following usage:
> Usage:
`-> ./scripts/score/update_score.sh [options]
> Options:
-n <network> : Network to use (localhost, yeouido, euljiro or mainnet)
Fill the
option corresponding to the network where your SCORE is deployed to:localhost
. -
Example :
$ ./scripts/score/update_score.sh -n localhost
- In the root folder of the project, run the following command:
$ ./scripts/score/post.sh
- It should display the following usage:
> Usage:
`-> ./scripts/score/post.sh [options]
> Options:
-n <network> : Network to use (localhost, yeouido, euljiro or mainnet)
-p <price value> : Price to be updated
- Fill the
option corresponding to the network where your SCORE is deployed to:localhost
. - Fill the
option with the price (in loops). Please make sure of the format of the price with the Medianizer SCORE operator. For instance for theICXUSD
, the price value needs to be the amount of loops for 1 USD. - Example : Given a ICX price of $0.10, 10000000000000000000 loops (10 ICX) are required to have 1 USD. So the request to the price feed should be the following :
$ ./scripts/score/post.sh -n localhost -p 10000000000000000000
- In the root folder of the project, run the following command:
$ ./scripts/score/peek.sh
- It should display the following usage:
> Usage:
`-> ./scripts/score/peek.sh [options]
> Options:
-n <network> : Network to use (localhost, yeouido, euljiro or mainnet)
Fill the
option corresponding to the network where your SCORE is deployed to:localhost
. -
Example :
$ ./scripts/score/peek.sh -n localhost
This command shall return the following result:
> Command:
$ tbears call <(python ./scripts/score/dynamic_call/peek.py localhost) -c ./config/localhost/tbears_cli_config.json
> Result:
$ response : {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "{\"value\": 10000000000000000000, \"timestamp\": 1565044831817071, \"ticker_name\": \"ICXUSD\"}",
"id": 1
Daedric is released with multiple built-in ways to retrieve prices. The Daedric operator is encouraged to build its own price bot in order to avoid a situation where all price feed operators fail to retrieve a price from the same source.
Rhizome made Marvin, a .NET Daedric bot.
It is recommanded to use it if you aren't familiar with crontab
You can also use the one provided in this repository :
The price bots are located in ./scripts/bots. They all work the same way, for example the Binance one:
> Usage:
`-> ./scripts/bots/binance/icxusd/post.sh [options]
> Options:
-n <network> : Network to use (localhost, yeouido, euljiro or mainnet)
[-s <keystore password>] : The keystore password (optional)
You may call this script regularly (using a cron job for exemple) with the -n
and the -s
switches filled accordingly.
Make sure the cron job is launched from the root directory of Daedric, otherwise the bot won't work.
Example using a cron job that launches the script located in /home/daedric/Daedric
every hour:
0 * * * * cd /home/daedric/Daedric && . /home/daedric/venv/bin/activate && ./scripts/bots/equalizer/icxusd/post.sh -n mainnet -s my_secret_keystore_password
Alternatively, you can fill the keystore password in the configuration file (config/mainnet/tbears_cli_config.json