safe is a Node.js command line utility that allows the user to create, extract, and manage tar archives. The utility makes use of various external modules such as aes256 for encryption, tar for creating and extracting tar archives, and fs for interacting with the file system. Additionally, the utility also includes custom modules such as Logger and ArchiveManager which are used to handle logging and archive management respectively.
- Create tar archives with option to encrypt them with a password
- Add files to existing tar archives
- Remove files from existing tar archives
- Extract tar archives
- View the contents of tar archives
- Provide a password for encrypted tar archives
safe <action> <arg1> <arg2>...
-c <name> <file1> <file2> <fileN>: creates an archive
-a <archive> <file1> <file2> <fileN>: add a file to the archive
-r <archive> <file1> <file2> <fileN>: remove a file from the archive
-e <archive> <destination>: extract the archive
-v <archive>: view the contents of the archive
-p <password>: provide the archive password
-h: view the help message
Create an archive named "example" containing the files "file1.txt" and "file2.txt":
safe -c example file1.txt file2.txt
Add the file "file3.txt" to the archive "":
safe -a file3.txt
Extract the archive "" to the destination "./example":
safe -e ./example
sudo curl -LJ -o /usr/bin/safe "" && sudo chmod 0775 /usr/bin/safe
- Download the binary (safe-win.exe)
- Add it to the PATH
git clone
npm install
node index.js