Deep Reinforcement Learning with Open AI Gym – Q learning for playing Pac-Man.
The first thing to do is to clone this repository on our computer:
$ git clone
Note: It is necessary to have
After cloning, a folder will be created. Inside it, you need to install virtualenv using the Python (pip) package installer:
# macOS
$ pip3 install virtualenv
# Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
Note: It is necessary to have
To create the virtual environment, simply run the virtualenv
command as follows:
$ virtualenv env --python=python3
To activate the virtual environment, run the virtualenv activate
script installed in the bin/
$ cd env
$ source bin/activate
After activating it, all that is missing is to install the necessary packages (requirements.txt) using the pip packages installer:
(env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
If you are using the Ubuntu subsystem for Windows you will encounter this error if you try to render the simulation.
pyglet.canvas.xlib.NoSuchDisplayException: Cannot connect to "None"
This is caused by not having a display attached to your terminal, it can be fixed by installing a X server on Windows, we recommend Xming X Server for Windows as is easy to install and use.
Then just run the following command on the linux terminal to attach the virtual display:
export DISPLAY=:0
This setting will only persist on the current terminal session so you can place it on .bashrc to make it persisten. Remember that Xming server should be running on Windows, as is needed to handle the output of your Ubuntu subsystem.
To execute the project in training mode: The training mode starts from scratch (epsilon = 1)
$ python -m pacman -n DDQN -m TRAIN
To execute the project in testing mode:
$ python -m pacman -n DDQN -m TEST -p ./openai-pacman/results/cpu-1200-episodes/
The testing mode loads a file and starts from that knowledge represented in weights (epsilon near 0).
Required: Selects the algorithm, DDQN for DeepQ, DQN for DuelQ.
Required: Selects the mode, TRAIN or TEST. Testing uses saved weights file.
Optional: specify a path for the weights file and stats file, default ./results/
Optional: Plot progress into a png chart. Default false.
Optional: Renders Pac-Man. Default false.
Our project implements three different reinforcement learning algorithms in the same framework:
- Deep Q Reinforcement Learning
- Duel Q Reinforcement Learning
- Cross Entropy
You can choose the algorithm to run by using the --network