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  1. hybrid-Lambda hybrid-Lambda Public

    Hybrid-Lambda is a software package that can simulate gene trees within a rooted species network or a rooted species tree under the Kingman's coalescent or Lambda coalescent process.

    C++ 6 4

  2. hybrid-coal hybrid-coal Public

    Hybrid-coal is used to compute gene tree probabilities given species network under coalescent process. We use a new representation of the species network likelihood that expresses the probability d…

    C++ 2

  3. Public


  4. freq freq Public


  5. plot plot Public

    C++ 1

  6. tree_topo tree_topo Public



Showing 7 of 7 repositories
  • hybrid-Lambda Public

    Hybrid-Lambda is a software package that can simulate gene trees within a rooted species network or a rooted species tree under the Kingman's coalescent or Lambda coalescent process.

    C++ 6 GPL-3.0 4 12 0 Updated Apr 27, 2022
  • freq Public
    C++ 0 GPL-3.0 0 1 0 Updated Dec 8, 2020
  • plot Public
    C++ 0 GPL-3.0 1 2 0 Updated Dec 8, 2020
  • CSS 0 0 0 0 Updated Feb 10, 2019
  • hybrid-coal Public

    Hybrid-coal is used to compute gene tree probabilities given species network under coalescent process. We use a new representation of the species network likelihood that expresses the probability distribution of the gene tree topolgies as a linear combination of gene tree distributions given a set of species trees.

    C++ 2 GPL-3.0 0 6 0 Updated Nov 1, 2016
  • graph Public
    C++ 0 GPL-3.0 0 0 0 Updated Feb 27, 2016
  • tree_topo Public
    C++ 0 GPL-3.0 0 0 0 Updated Jul 2, 2015