This page contains several common image, audio, video examples of file types for download. Click the link below to download the file type can be carried out to test.
- JPG: china.jpg
- PNG: all_linux_logo.png
- GIF: vim.gif
- GIF: bird.gif
- MP3: [Take Me Home Country Roads.mp3](downloads/Take Me Home Country Roads.mp3)
- WMA: [Carpenters - Yesterday ones more.wma](downloads/Carpenters - Yesterday ones more.wma)
- OGG: [Eagles - Waiting In The Weeds.ogg](downloads/Eagles - Waiting In The Weeds.ogg)
- AVI: hurdle_race.avi
- MPG: nokia_hands.mpg
- MPG: pepsi_01.mpg
- MPEG: pepsi_02.mpeg
- WMV: nokia.wmv
- WMV: father.wmv
- RM: china.rm
- FLV: thinkpad.flv
- SWF: toyota.swf