Account system based on LeanCloud.
- Sign in & sign up by phone and password.
- Sign in by social accounts: Sign In with Apple, Wechat, QQ, Weibo, Twitter, Facebook.
- Forgot password & reset password.
- Change avatar, nickname, phone, password.
- Support anonymous user.
Copy Extensions/*
, Models/*
, Views/*
, Controllers/*
, Constants.swift
, Utils.swift
, MyError.swift
and Assets.xcassets/account
to your project.
pod init
In Podfile
, add sources:
source '[email protected]:hustlzp/Specs.git'
source ''
add pods:
pod 'AVOSCloud', ''
pod 'SnapKit'
pod 'MBProgressHUD'
pod 'PromiseKit'
pod 'UMCCommon'
pod 'UMCSecurityPlugins'
pod 'UMCAnalytics'
pod 'UMCCommonLog'
pod 'UMCShare/Social/ReducedWeChat'
pod 'UMCShare/Social/ReducedQQ'
pod 'UMCShare/Social/ReducedSina'
pod 'UMCShare/Social/Facebook'
pod 'UMCShare/Social/Twitter'
pod 'RxSwift'
pod 'RxCocoa'
pod 'Localize-Swift'
pod 'ionicons'
pod install
Create file YourProject-Bridging-Header.h
with content:
#import <UMCommon/UMCommon.h>
#import <UMShare/UMShare.h>
-> Build Settings
, search Objective-C Bridging Header
, fill in YourProject/YourProject-Bridging-Header.h
Note: replace YourProject
with your project name.
Add following codes to AppDelegate.swift
with instructions from docs:
UMConfigure.initWithAppkey("", channel: "App Store")
UMSocialManager.default().setPlaform(.wechatSession, appKey: "", appSecret: "", redirectURL: "")
UMSocialManager.default().setPlaform(.QQ, appKey: "", appSecret: nil, redirectURL: nil)
UMSocialManager.default().setPlaform(.sina, appKey: "", appSecret: "", redirectURL: "")
UMSocialManager.default().setPlaform(.facebook, appKey: "", appSecret: nil, redirectURL: nil)
UMSocialManager.default().setPlaform(.twitter, appKey: "", appSecret: "", redirectURL: nil)
Handle open url callback in application(_:open:options:)
in AppDelegate.swift
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
let result = UMSocialManager.default().handleOpen(url, options: options)
if (!result) {
return result
Open Info.plist
as source code, add followings to it:
Update URL Types in TARGETS
-> Info
, see here.
Add following codes to AppDelegate.swift
AVOSCloud.setApplicationId("", clientKey: "")
Add didBindQQ
, didBindWeibo
, didBindWechat
, didBindTwitter
, didBindFacebook
to _User
table in LeanCloud console.
Fill in IDs, keys and secrets in 组件
-> 社交
in LeanCloud console.
Uncheck 密码修改后,强制客户端重新登录
in 存储
-> 设置
in LeanCloud console.
Check 启用通用的短信验证码服务
in 消息
-> 短信
-> 设置
in LeanCloud console.
Apply for 短信签名
in 消息
-> 短信
-> 设置
in LeanCloud console.
Update applicationName
in function sendCode
in Views/PhoneFieldWithSendCodeButton.swift
Add two cloud functions:
* 检查手机号是否存在
* @function checkPhoneExist
* @param {string} phone
* @return {boolean}
const checkPhoneExist: AV.Cloud.CloudFunction = async (request) => {
let phone =
checkParameters(request, ["phone"])
let query = new Query(User)
query.equalTo('mobilePhoneNumber', phone)
return (await query.count()) > 0
AV.Cloud.define('checkPhoneExist', checkPhoneExist)
* 重置密码
* @function resetPassword
* @param {string} phone
* @param {string} password
const resetPassword: AV.Cloud.CloudFunction = async (request) => {
let phone =
let password = request.params.password
checkParameters(request, ["phone", "password"])
let query = new Query(User)
query.equalTo('mobilePhoneNumber', phone)
let user = await query.first()
if (!user) {
throw new AV.Cloud.Error('用户不存在')
AV.Cloud.define('resetPassword', resetPassword)
Enable Sign In with Apple
in Signing & Capabilities
Add following to Info.plist
as source code: