Releases: hube12/vizard
No more fabric api required [1.16.5 only]
Working visualization of structure gen
Install it with fabric mod loader
Then put it in the mod folder (vizard-0.0.3.jar)
That's it, nothing more is needed !
4 commands:
/gen start -> start gen with time interval
/gen stop -> stop gen
/gen step -> step once the gen
/gen time -> if no n return the current time interval else set the time interval (n>200) in ms
Works for every structures
5 presets: Stronghold | Fortress | Mineshaft | End cities | Bastion Madness
Works also in normal world (you will have no structures tho and a stronghold at 0 0, so do /gen start to start it)
Mineshaft now correctly generate
End cities too
Other structures have less bugs
Data sent to the client is reduced (thus lag)
Still not fixed:
The structure is discarded when the client exit and there is no way to regenerate it afterwards
There is missing presets for village/ocean monument/ mansion ...
Structures such as village might throw a concurrent modification exception (handle for the server the concurrency for this case)
Bastion are still super slow (due to large structure block -> see if I can stream it)
Minecraft is not thread safe in any way, this mod heavily use threads thus can peg your CPU or make it overheat, also Minecraft might become non responsive in some case, we recommend you to use the flat preset. I am in no way liable, this software is provided as IS, you can read more about that in the LICENSE.
More stable release
Working visualization of structure gen
Install it with fabric mod loader
Then put it in the mod folder (vizard-0.0.2.jar)
Add the fabric api in the mod folder :
4 commands:
/gen start -> start gen with time interval
/gen stop -> stop gen
/gen step -> step once the gen
/gen time -> if no n return the current time interval else set the time interval (n>200) in ms
Works for every structures
5 presets: Stronghold | Fortress | Mineshaft | End cities | Bastion Madness
Works also in normal world (you will have no structures tho and a stronghold at 0 0, so do /gen start to start it)
Mineshaft now correctly generate
End cities too
Other structures have less bugs
Data sent to the client is reduced (thus lag)
Still not fixed:
The structure is discarded when the client exit and there is no way to regenerate it afterwards
There is missing presets for village/ocean monument/ mansion ...
Structures such as village might throw a concurrent modification exception (handle for the server the concurrency for this case)
Bastion are still super slow (due to large structure block -> see if I can stream it)
Minecraft is not thread safe in any way, this mod heavily use threads thus can peg your CPU or make it overheat, also Minecraft might become intensive in some case, we recommend you to use the flat preset. I am in no way liable, this software is provided as IS, you can read more about that in the LICENSE.
First draft
Working visualization of structure gen
Install it with fabric mod loader
Then put it in the mod folder (vizard-0.0.1.jar)
Add the fabric api in the mod folder :
4 commands:
/gen start -> start gen with time interval
/gen stop -> stop gen
/gen step -> step once the gen
/gen time -> if no n return the current time interval else set the time interval (n>200) in ms
Works for every structures (except mineshaft)
5 presets: Stronghold | Fortress | Mineshaft | End cities | Bastion Madness