SSG Finder
Finished running since last summer! Find here:
Find all the seeds with pre-lit portal (12 eyes) close to spawn for speed running, this is for 1.16 speedrun!
! Important !
Current working list: (yellow= in progress, green= done)
Please use range from 800 to 1024 in priority!
Go in releases and download the jar
Just run: java -jar SSG.jar
number of threads are the number of thread you want to allocate, for a consumer pc its between 4 and 16 (you can check that in you task manager) WorkId is a unique work id between 0 and 1023(inclusive both) that will give you what seed you should do
At the end you will have a single file called finalOutput_XXXX.txt , send it inside an issue on that repo
OPEN AN ISSUE WITH THE WORKID YOU CHOSE FIRST, then when done, upload the result there !
Current working list: (yellow= in progress, green= done)