Project | Q: Fixed Point Number Library |
Author | Richard James Howe |
Copyright | 2018 Richard James Howe |
License | MIT |
[email protected] | |
Website | |
This is a small fixed point number library designed for embedded use. It implements all of your favorite transcendental functions, plus only the best basic operators, selected for your calculating pleasure. The format is a signed Q16.16, which is good enough for Doom and good enough for you.
The default makefile target builds the library and a test program, which will require a C compiler (and Make). The library is small enough that is can be easily modified to suite your purpose. The dependencies are minimal; they are few string handling functions, and 'tolower' for numeric input. This should allow the code to ported to the platform of your choice. The 'run' make target builds the test program (called 'q') and runs it on some input. The '-h' option will spit out a more detailed help.
I would compile the library with the '-fwrapv' option enabled, you might be some kind of Maverick who doesn't play by no rules however.
The trigonometric functions, and some others, are implemented internally with CORDIC.
Of note, all operators are bounded by minimum and maximum values which are not shown in the following table and by default all arithmetic is saturating. The effective input range of a number might lower than what is possible given a mathematical functions definition - either because of the limited range of the Q16.16 type, or because the implementation of a function introduces too much error along some part of its' input range. Caveat Emptor (although you're not exactly paying for this library now, are you? Caveat lector perhaps).
( This table needs completing, specifically the input ranges... )
C Function | Operator | Input Range | Asserts | Notes |
qadd(a, b) | a + b | Addition | ||
qsub(a, b) | a - b | Subtraction | ||
qdiv(a, b) | a / b | b != 0 | Yes | Division |
qmul(a, b) | a * b | Multiplication | ||
qrem(a, b) | a rem b | b != 0 | Yes | Remainder: remainder after division |
qmod(a, b) | a mod b | b != 0 | Yes | Modulo |
qsin(theta) | sin(theta) | Sine | ||
qcos(theta) | cos(theta) | Cosine | ||
qtan(theta) | tan(theta) | Tangent | ||
qcot(theta) | cot(theta) | Cotangent | ||
qhypot(a, b) | hypot(a, b) | Hypotenuse; sqrt(a*a + b*b) | ||
qasin(x) | asin(x) | abs(x) <= 1 | Yes | Arcsine |
qacos(x) | acos(x) | abs(x) <= 1 | Yes | Arccosine |
qatan(t) | atan(t) | Arctangent | ||
qsinh(a) | sinh(a) | Hyperbolic Sine | ||
qcosh(a) | cosh(a) | Hyperbolic Cosine | ||
qtanh(a) | tanh(a) | Hyperbolic Tangent | ||
qasinh(a) | asinh(a) | Inverse Hyperbolic Sine | ||
qacosh(a) | acosh(a) | Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine | ||
qatanh(a) | atanh(a) | Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent | ||
qexp(e) | exp(e) | e < ln(MAX) | No | Exponential function, High error for 'e' > ~7. |
qlog(n) | log(n) | n > 0 | Yes | Natural Logarithm |
qsqrt(x) | sqrt(x) | n >= 0 | Yes | Square Root |
qround(q) | round(q) | Round to nearest value | ||
qceil(q) | ceil(q) | Round up value | ||
qtrunc(q) | trunc(q) | Truncate value | ||
qfloor(q) | floor(q) | Round down value | ||
qnegate(a) | -a | Negate a number | ||
qabs(a) | abs(a) | Absolute value of a number | ||
qfma(a, b, c) | (a*b)+c | Fused Multiply Add, uses Q32.32 internally | ||
qequal(a, b) | a == b | |||
qsignum(a) | signum(a) | Signum function | ||
qsign(a) | sgn(a) | Sign function | ||
For the round/ceil/trunc/floor functions the following table from the helps:
value | round | floor | ceil | trunc |
2.3 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 2.0 |
3.8 | 4.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 3.0 |
5.5 | 6.0 | 5.0 | 6.0 | 5.0 |
-2.3 | -2.0 | -3.0 | -2.0 | -2.0 |
-3.8 | -4.0 | -4.0 | -3.0 | -3.0 |
-5.5 | -6.0 | -6.0 | -5.0 | -5.0 |
Have fun with the adding, and subtracting, and stuff, I hope it goes well. It would be cool to make an APL interpreter built around this library. Testing would become much easier as you could use programming language constructs to create new tests over larger ranges of numbers.
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