- sauce-man is services which includes:
- bot: a discord bot to make discord app bertter to:
- advanced search features for who want make some records or fix the broken preview from some outside URLs.
- Fix Links Previews.
- api: a FastAPI to interact with bot
- bot: a discord bot to make discord app bertter to:
- uv
uv pip freeze --project pyproject.toml
uv pip compile pyproject.toml > requirements.txt
- refactoring
move src/** to backend/**merge backend/core/settings.py to backend/bot/config.py~~* ~/sauce-man$ uv run backend/bot/main.py~~* ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'core'~~* ~/sauce-man$ python3 backend/bot/main.py~~* ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'discord'
- update Dockerfile
migrage from pyenv+poetry to uv- test discord.py
find a better and safe way to set env- pydantic-settings
- implement event handling
- Discord Twitter Link Handler
✅ Detect Twitter links in messages
✅ Extract Tweet ID from the URL
✅ Fetch tweet data using fxtwitter API (fallback to vxtwitter API)
✅ Generate a Discord Embed containing tweet details
✅ Send tweet media (images/videos) separately
✅ Provide a backup link if API calls fail
✅ Suppress Discord’s default Twitter preview
- Discord Twitter Link Handler
- implement channel app commands
search history messages from a specific channel- dump history messages from a specific channel
- calculate the range <= 100 for iterator to append all history to the stored list
- Container part
prepare DockerfileRun with podman- docekr network DNS resovle error
- ERROR: failed to solve: docker.io/python:3.11.4-slim-bullseye: failed to do request: Head "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/python/manifests/3.11.4-slim-bullseye": EOF
separate function load_config from class or not? (Hint: Like django settings.py)postgresql db init
uv run backend/manage.py runbot --uv
# uv run --python=python3.10 backend/manage.py runbot --uv
uv run --python=python3.10 backend/manage.py runapi 8000 --uv
#setting up
bash scripts/uv_tools.sh
#build docker container image
docker build . -t docker.io/focal1119/sauce-man:test
#run container with docker run
docker run -d --env-file=backend/core/.env --name sauce-man docker.io/focal1119/sauce-man-bot:2025-02-27-15-57
#run with docker compose
#up and run in background
docker compose up -d
docker compose down
#podman container build/run
podman build . -t docker.io/focal1119/sauce-man:test
podman build . --no-cache -t docker.io/focal1119/sauce-man:test
podman run -d --env-file=.env --name sauce-man docker.io/focal1119/sauce-man:test
- how-do-i-apply-environment-variables-to-python-interactive
- pprint
- os.environ
- sqlalchemy/postgresql
- pandas
- decorator
- await fetch_message
- read_message_history
- async for ... in history
- discord.py/examples/
- How to retrieve previous messages with discord.py
- How could I grab all chat messages in a specific channel in a discord server using discord.py?
- Community Resources
- discord.com/developers/docs/getting-started
- Discord bot that automatically download images from a channel.
- discord.py/intro
- events
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If you are a contributor who personally has already quit using GitHub, please check this resource for how to send us contributions without using GitHub directly.
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