Sample app showing Chromecast IOS API used from React-Native JavaScript (Developed in Swift)
- CocoaPods - dependencies are managed via CocoaPods. See for setup instructions.
- ReactNative - See for setup instructions.
- Install React-Native - npm install -g react-native-cli
- Install CocoaPods - sudo gem install cocoapods
- git clone
- cd ChromeCast_ReactNative/
- pod install
- npm install
- open ChromeCastExperiments.xcworkspace with XCode
- Build and run (using IPhone device or simulator)
- Once the app is running, click on "Scan for Devices" to locate your active Chromecast devices.
- Click on the ChromeCast device name you want to cast the video, to connect to it. (ex. "Living Room")
- Enter the video details in the boxes or just use the default. (Big Buck Bunny)
- Click "Cast Video" to start playing the Video on the Chromecast.
- Click "Disconnect" when you like to stop the video and disconnect from the Chromecast.
- Create package for npmjs
- Reconnect to device playing a video
- Seek to time interval
- Pause, resume, stop
- Report current video time
- Add to