git clone
NOTE: The project is built with both newly-released Android Studio (4.1.1) and Kotlin, there could be conflicted issues on defferent local machine
- Application Architecture: MVVM with LiveData
- Dependency Injection Framework: Koin
- Networking: Retrofit 2
- Database: Room
- Multithreading: Reactivex
- Encryption: Base64 and sqlcipher
- Testing: JUnit4, Hamcrest, Room testing, LiveData testing, mockk
- /config: App configurations and constant
- /data/model: Models of the app
- /data/network: Network client and interface
- /data/repository: Repository and App database
- /di: Modules for DI
- /ui/activity, /ui/fragment, /ui/adapter: UI classes
- /view_model: ViewModel classes
- /util: Other facilities and helper
- Android Studio 4.1.1
- Min SDK 23
- Target SDK 29
- Build variant: -- ./gradlew assembleDebug -- ./gradlew assembleRelease
- To run at local
-- Clone the project by the link above
-- Option 1: Use Android Studio, open project, wait until the project is built, use Run button to run on emulator or device
-- Option 2: At project's root folder, run command
./gradlew assembleDebug
, the apk will be built and be at folder 'app/build/outputs/apk/debug'. Use the apk to install on devices.
- No Keystore is uploaded. Should only configured at local
- The application is a simple Android application which is written by Java/Kotlin.
- The application is able to retrieve the weather information from OpenWeatherMaps API.
- The application is able to allow user to input the searching term.
- The application is able to proceed searching with a condition of the search term length must be from 3 characters or above.
- The application is able to render the searched results as a list of weather items.
- The application is able to support caching mechanism so as to prevent the app from generating a bunch of API requests. The cache is set at 1 hour
- The application is able to manage caching mechanism & lifecycle.
- The application is able to handle failures.