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Release 2022.5.2: Sid R3.6-P06 TurboVNC, Job Termination, and Dev Improvements

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@github-actions github-actions released this 27 May 11:06
· 8 commits to canary since this release


This release has a UI update and improvements to the development environment to support testing.

In the UI, we have added the ability to terminate a job without deleting the session data from the system. This will improve the ability to debug job issues.

In the development environment we have improved our ability to test ticket creation and addressed differences in the CLI tool configuration.

Collected Improvements

  • 660 | Dashboard: Add UI to terminate a job without deleting session metadata
  • 731 | Dev Environment: Send automated test support tickets to an alternate queue
  • 755 | Dev Environment: Update Staging and Production servers' config to support running automated tests without creating ticket notifications
  • 766 | Permission for out of band deployment to production for this release

Collected Bug Fixes

  • 592 | Deployment: Decision on Facter Script. Puppet will run multiple times is acceptable.
  • 651 | Dev Environment: Fix how turbovnc.rb works in Local and Remote Dev
  • 658 | Dashboard: Sid Dashboard - Fix turbovnc for Staging and Production
  • 706 | Dev Environment: Run Cypress tests using command line tool


  • Configuring the RT client through environment variables is no longer supported.

Background. Sid The Next Generation RCE

The FAS RC VDI default dashboard provides a browser based interface to the FAS Cannon cluster as opposed to the more traditional CLI SSH based methods.

The Sid dashboard provides a streamlined, simpler, alternative to the FAS RC VDI default dashboard experience.
