This application is a text editor written in C# and Windows Forms as part of my college class final project in Fall 2016. Other projects for the final project included:
- Simple login program using a SQL local database with Visual Studio. Link to source:
- Simple implementation of a file watcher program that watches a source directory for changes and copies the changes to the destination directory. Link to source:
- Basic application that connects to a ftp server and does simple operations such as read contents in a directory, upload a file, and delete a file. Link to source:
NOTE: This version is not currently being worked on, waiting on XAML Islands release for further update
- This project was re-made into a Windows 10 Universal Windows Platform application a couple years ago when testing with UWP for the first time. It is now being re-made to use the newer framework and controls when free time is available:
- Line/Column numbers also show according to where your cursor is selected
- Uses a KnownColor object for the selected color. Once backcolor is set, it converts the color to RGB values and
determines if its considered a lighter or darker color. It then changes the text color accordingly:
- The following is the C# snippet:
// fill colors in color drop down list foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo prop in typeof(Color).GetProperties()) { if (prop.PropertyType.FullName == "System.Drawing.Color") { colorList.Add(prop.Name); } } // fill the drop down items list foreach(string color in colorList) { colorStripDropDownButton.DropDownItems.Add(color); } // fill BackColor for each color in the DropDownItems list for (int i = 0; i < colorStripDropDownButton.DropDownItems.Count; i++) { // Create KnownColor object KnownColor selectedColor; selectedColor = (KnownColor)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(KnownColor), colorList[i]); // parse to a KnownColor colorStripDropDownButton.DropDownItems[i].BackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(selectedColor); // set the BackColor to its appropriate list item // Set the text color depending on if the barkground is darker or lighter // create Color object Color col = Color.FromName(colorList[i]); // 255,255,255 = White and 0,0,0 = Black // Max sum of RGB values is 765 -> (255 + 255 + 255) // Middle sum of RGB values is 382 -> (765/2) // Color is considered darker if its <= 382 // Color is considered lighter if its > 382 sumRGB = ConvertToRGB(col); // get the color objects sum of the RGB value if (sumRGB <= MIDDLE) // Darker Background { colorStripDropDownButton.DropDownItems[i].ForeColor = Color.White; // set to White text } else if (sumRGB > MIDDLE) // Lighter Background { colorStripDropDownButton.DropDownItems[i].ForeColor = Color.Black; // set to Black text } }
Requires Visual Studio 2017 or higher to run.
- C# Windows Forms
[Coming Soon]
- Hunter - Initial work - hjohnson012
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details