- gcSV is a sequence alignment-based structural variation detection tool.
- Detects and genotypes structural variations using pure LRS data
- Detects and genotypes structural variations using pure SRS data
- Performs hybrid structural variation detection and genotyping by combining low-depth LRS data with SRS data
- Precisely reconstructs inserted sequences through local sequence assembly
This project is under active development. Support for specific datasets (e.g., ONT datasets) is currently being implemented. Feedback and suggestions of all kinds are welcome.
gcSV provides pre-compiled statically linked binaries. Use the following command for quick deployment and execution:
> git clone https://github.com/hitbc/gcSV/
> cd ./gcSV
> ./gcSV_release_v1.0.0 --help
> git clone https://github.com/hitbc/gcSV/
> cd ./gcSV/Release
> make clean
> make all -j 12
> ./gcSV --help
Support for ONT datasets is under development; currently only PacBio HiFi datasets are supported.
Whole-genome SV detection
> gcSV call -c ccs_input.bam -r ref.fa -o output.vcf 2> /dev/null
Chromosome 1 SV detection
> gcSV call -S 0 -E 0 -c ccs_input.bam -r ref.fa -o output.vcf 2> /dev/null
Region-specific detection SV (chr2: 11,500,000–18,500,000)
> gcSV call -S 1 -E 1 -s 11500000 -F 18500000 -c ccs_input.bam -r ref.fa -o output.vcf 2> /dev/null
Note: Chromosome IDs and positions are 0-based. By default, whole-genome SV detection is performed.
Before analysis, we recommend precomputing local repeat complexity information using ngs_fa_stat
for the reference genome. Pre-built results for common human reference genomes grch38 and hg37d5 are available at https://github.com/hitbc/gcSV/blob/main/demo_gcSV/GRCh38.stat.txt.gz and https://github.com/hitbc/gcSV/blob/main/demo_gcSV/hs37d5.stat.txt.gz respectively, and needs to be decompressed before use.
Preprocess alignment data using ngs_trans_reads
to reduce I/O demands and accelerate analysis (recommended for WGS or large-scale studies):
> gcSV ngs_fa_stat ref.fa > ref.stat.txt
> gcSV ngs_trans_reads ref.fa Ill_input.bam TL.bam
> samtools sort --output-fmt=BAM -o TL.sort.bam TL.bam
> samtools index TL.sort.bam
> gcSV call -n Ill_input.bam -L TL.sort.bam -r ref.fa -I ref.stat.txt -o output.vcf 2> /dev/null
Region-specific detection SV (chrX: 11,500,000–18,500,000)
> gcSV call -S 22 -E 22 -s 11500000 -F 18500000 -n Ill_input.bam -I ref.stat.txt -r ref.fa -o output.vcf 2> /dev/null
Provide both LRS and SRS datasets in one gcSV-call to leverage their complementary advantages:
gcSV call -c ccs_input.bam -n Ill_input.bam -L TL.sort.bam -r ref.fa -I ref.stat.txt -o output.vcf 2> /dev/null
gcSV does not natively support multithreading. For parallel execution, use multiprocessing as follow:
Divide the whole genome into different regions and perform variant detection simultaneously
> gcSV call -S 0 -E 0 -c ccs_input.bam -r ref.fa -o chr1.vcf 2> /dev/null
> gcSV call -S 1 -E 1 -H -c ccs_input.bam -r ref.fa -o chr2.vcf 2> /dev/null
> gcSV call -S 2 -E 2 -H -c ccs_input.bam -r ref.fa -o chr3.vcf 2> /dev/null
> gcSV call -S 22 -E 22 -H -c ccs_input.bam -r ref.fa -o chrX.vcf 2> /dev/null
> gcSV call -S 23 -E 23 -H -c ccs_input.bam -r ref.fa -o chrY.vcf 2> /dev/null
Merge the variant detection result files into a complete file.
> cat chr1.vcf > output.vcf
> cat chr2.vcf >> output.vcf
> cat chr3.vcf >> output.vcf
> cat chrX.vcf >> output.vcf
> cat chrY.vcf >> output.vcf
This approach works for all analysis types (pure LRS, pure SRS, hybrid).
Optional flags to optimize output for specific use cases (e.g., contig reconstruction):
The --random_phasing
or -f
parameter is used to perform random phasing (0/1-->0|1 or 1|0 randomly; 1/1-->1|1) on variants, and heterozygous variants located on the same local haplotype will share the same random phasing result.
The --Small_var
or -v
parameter can output small variants (SNPs or INDELs) that are on the same local haplotype as the SV.
The demo data provides a segment (1:869000-870000) from the HG002 real dataset of GIAB, including demo Pacbio HiFi dataset (average 10x depth) and demo Illumina data (average 60x depth).
Due to the small size of the demo data, it is not possible to effectively calculate the insert size distribution for the Illumina dataset. Therefore, an additional file, SRS_HG002_stat.json
, is provided to indicate the depth and insert size distribution statistics of the Illumina dataset (-T SRS_HG002_stat.json). In general usage scenarios (e.g., WGS), this file or parameter do not need to be provided.
The parameters -S 0 -E 0 -s 0 -F 1000000
restrict the actual region for variant detection to 1:1-1000000.
cd ./demo_gcSV/
#get reference analysis file
zcat hs37d5.stat.txt.gz > hs37d5.stat.txt
#LRS SV call
gcSV call -S 0 -E 0 -s 0 -F 1000000 -r hs37d5_1_0_1000000.fa -o lrs_demo.vcf -c LRS_HG002_1_869000_870000_10X_demo.bam
#SRS SV call
gcSV call -S 0 -E 0 -s 0 -F 1000000 -T SRS_HG002_stat.json -r hs37d5_1_0_1000000.fa -o srs_demo.vcf -I hs37d5.stat.txt -n SRS_HG002_1_869000_870000_60X_demo.bam
#Hybrid SV call
gcSV call -S 0 -E 0 -s 0 -F 1000000 -T SRS_HG002_stat.json -r hs37d5_1_0_1000000.fa -o hybrid_demo.vcf -I hs37d5.stat.txt -n SRS_HG002_1_869000_870000_60X_demo.bam -c LRS_HG002_1_869000_870000_10X_demo.bam
This project is covered under the GNU GPL v3 license.