Kake is a dependency manager and task runner for the Kotlin programming language.
This project is in the proof of concept phase so things will change quickly, and the code is only intended to work on my machine for now.
// project.json
"groupId": "dev.louisc",
"artifactId": "kake",
"version": "0.0.0",
"main": "dev.louisc.kake.MainKt",
"repositories": [
"dependencies": {
"compile": [
"test": [
"runtime": [],
"provided": []
"taskDependencies": []
The dependency resolution strategy is to take whichever dependency is higher in the dependency tree. The top level dependencies (declared in the project.json file) are at level 1, their immediate transient dependencies are at level 2, and so on.
Kake comes with some standard task:
- clean
- compile
- test
- start
- package
- publish
kake [option...] [command]
-h --help Prints this help text
-v --version Prints the tool's version
init Initializes the project with a project.json file
install Installs dependencies listed in the project.json file
list Lists all task
run [option...] [task...] Runs the specified task
-q --quiet Supresses the run's console output
Ex: kake run --quiet clean compile test run
// Kakefile.kts
import dev.louisc.kake.task.TaskManager
import dev.louisc.kake.task.parallel
import dev.louisc.kake.task.series
val clean = Task("clean") { println("Task 'clean' is running!") }
val lint = Task("lint") { println("Task 'lint' is running!") }
val compile = Task("compile") { println("Task 'compile' is running!") }
val test = Task("test") { println("Task 'test' is running!") }
val build = Task("build", series(clean, lint, compile, test)) { println("Task 'build' is running!") }