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HiGlass Pileup Track

Viewer for sequence alignments.

HiGlass Build Status

Note: This is the source code for the pileup only! You might want to check out the following repositories as well:


npm install higlass-pileup


The live scripts can be found at:

Things that haven't been thoroughly tested

  1. Group by strand when using single vs. paired end reads
  2. Group by HP tag when using single vs. paired end reads


  1. Make sure you load this track prior to hglib.js. For example:
<script src="/higlass-pileup-track.js"></script>
<script src="hglib.js"></script>
  1. Now, configure the track in your view config and be happy!
  "editable": true,
  "trackSourceServers": [
  "exportViewUrl": "/api/v1/viewconfs",
  "views": [
      "initialXDomain": [
      "tracks": {
        "top": [
            "type": "pileup",
            "options": {
              "axisPositionHorizontal": "right",
              "axisLabelFormatting": "normal",
              "showCoverage": false,
              "colorScale": [
                // A T G C N Other
            "height": 180,
            "uid": "FylkvVBTSumoJ959HT4-5A",
            "data": {
              "type": "bam",
              "bamUrl": "",
              "baiUrl": "",
              "chromSizesUrl": "",
                "options": {
                  "maxTileWidth": 30000
            "width": 470
      "layout": {
        "w": 12,
        "h": 6,
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0
  1. To use in
  • Modify the viewconf above to specify the URL for your BAM file.
  • Either remove or update the chromSizesUrl entry to point to a chromosome sizes file for the assembly that your BAM file is aligned to. If it's omitted, the chromosome sizes will be extracted directly from the BAM file and ordered best-guess semantically (i.e. chr1, chr2, ...., chrM, chrX, chrY).
  • Save the viewconf as a JSON file.
  • Navigate to and drag the JSON file onto the viewer.
  • Browse away!


Data config

maxTileWidth - To limit the amount of data that is fetched from the server, HiGlass sets a default maximum tile width. This can be modified in the data section of the track config. Setting it to a large file will let you zoom out further while still fetching data. This is useful for viewing low coverage BAM files.

Track options

colorScale - Array that controls the color of substitutions and highlighted reads. It can take 6 or 11 values. 11 values are required if you want to control highlighted read colors (see the highlightReadsBy option). Example:

"colorScale": [
  "#2c7bb6", //color of A substitutions
  "#92c5de", //color of T substitutions
  "#ffffbf", //color of G substitutions
  "#fdae61", //color of C substitutions
  "#808080", //color of N substitutions
  "#DCDCDC", //color of other substitutions
  "#FF0000", //color of reads with large insert size
  "#0000D1", //color of reads with small insert size
  "#00D1D1", //color of reads with LL orientation (see
  "#555CFA", //color of reads with RR orientation
  "#02A221", //color of reads with RL orientation

outlineReadOnHover - Highlights the current read on hover.

outlineMateOnHover - Highlights the mate of the current read on hover. If the mate is a split read, both alignments will be highlighted.

highlightReadsBy - Array that can take the values insertSize, pairOrientation or insertSizeAndPairOrientation:

  • if insertSize is set, reads that have a large or small insert size will be highlighted. The thresholds are controlled by the largeInsertSizeThreshold and smallInsertSizeThreshold track options. largeInsertSizeThreshold defaults to 1000, i.e., 1000 bp. smallInsertSizeThreshold is not set by default, i.e, reads with small insert size won't be highlighted.
  • if pairOrientation is set, reads with an abnormal mapping orientation are highlighted (e.g. ++,--,-+).
  • if insertSizeAndPairOrientation is set, reads with an abnormal mapping orientation that also have abnormal insert sizes are highlighted.
  • if multiple values are set, reads that fulfill any of the conditions are highlighed in the corresponding color.
  • highlight colors can be controlled by extending the colorScale track option to 11 values. The additional 5 values will control the large insert size color, small insert size color and the ++, --, -+ mapping orientations (in that order).

minMappingQuality - If this is set (integer), reads with a mapping quality lower than the specified value are not displayed.


For questions, please either open an issue or ask on the HiGlass Slack channel at



$ git clone && higlass-pileup-track
$ npm install


Developmental server: npm start Production build: npm run build