This is the source code for Zeugma (BBC Micro version), a modern Z-machine interpreter for the 6502 processor family.
Zeugma was created by Linus Akesson:
BBC Micro port by Tom Hargreaves [email protected].
- xa65
- bbcim (1.1)
Type "ln -sf story.z5 game && rm zeugma.ssd && make", where story.z5 is the game you want to play. A DFS disc image is built in zeugma.ssd.
Zeugma reads the story from a a file called GAME. It must be able to write to this file. You should restore the file to its original pristine condition before restarting Zeugma.
There are three executables, supporting the following configurations:
- ZeugmaT: BBC with 6502 second processor (80x32 screen, 46K cache, recommended)
- ZeugmaM: BBC Master 128 (80x32 screen, 29K cache)
- Zeugma: BBC model B (not v8, 40x25 screen, 13.5K cache)
The best version to run is autodetected, but individual executables can be run manually if desired.
Z-machine version 5 is your best bet. Version 8 files may work, assuming you can fit them onto a disc and that you're not running a plain model B. Version 4 is untested.
Play with caps lock off.
- "first 64k always dirty" <-- CHECKME
- ~~ bounce buffer for better swram usage~~
- check cache behaviour wrt banking
- screen model
- integrate font support, split screen
- split vm into ro and rw files
- re-enable propcache
- write-behind cache on IO proc when in 2P mode?
- integrate font support
- restart
- save, load
- undo