Sözlük saldırılarında kullanılmak üzere sözlük oluşturucu bir tool'dur. Geniş charset opsiyonuna ve kısmi RegExp desteğine sahiptir. Kullanılışı şu şekildedir:
./lugat -m <min> -M <max> -c <charset> -l <lang> -o <fileName>
-m <min> : Minimum character length of passwords
-M <max> : Maximum character length of passwords
-c <charset> : Character set which will be used
-l <lang> : Alphabet of A Specific Language
-o <fileName> : Output file name
-p <pattern> : All possible passwords based on given pattern
alphabetSet : Just Letters
numberSet : Just Numbers
specialCharacterSet : Just Special Characters
alphaAndNumSet : Letters and Numbers
alphaAndSpecSet : Letters and Special Characters
numAndSpecSet : Numbers and Special Characters
alphaNumAndSpecSet : Letters, Numbers and Special Characters
tur : Uses Turkish Alphabet
eng : Uses English Alphabet
tureng : Uses Both Turkish and English Alphabet
./lugat -m 4 -M 4
./lugat -m 1 -M 3 -c alphaAndNumSet -o wordlist.txt
./lugat -p 1*3*8
./lugat -p 1*3*8 -c alphaNumAndSpecSet -o wordlist.txt