Integrate Slack with Digital Dream labs (Anki's) Vector. This assumes you are connected to Digital Dream lab's cloud service, if you have the escape pod you will need to use (which I do so I'm unable to test this with the latest protobuf update I'm afraid!)
say <message>
show <image name>
show <image name> for <number> seconds
whats going on
play <spritesheet name>
Python 3.8 (for Protobuf, which Vector needs)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.8
You will need a classic slack app with a single scope of 'bot'. Ignore the "there are new permissions!" warnings. Add a bot user via App Home on the left, then install to your workspace and take the token beginning with xoxb
python3.8 -m venv .
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
python -m unittest discover -s vectorslack/tests
docker build .
docker run -v vector_config:/root/.anki_vector -ti <image id> /bin/bash
python3.8 -m anki_vector.configure
<enter all your details>
docker run -v vector_config:/root/.anki_vector -e SLACK_TOKEN -e VECTOR_SERIAL <image id>
Create a PNG sprite sheet, each sprite is 184 in width, 96 in height. Two rows of five and place in
Any images you want to use with the "show" command should go in vectorslack/images and be 184 pixels wide and 94 pixels high