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Spectre is an SDR based long term, wide spectrum collection and analysis tool.

Waterfall image rendered from collected data.



You will need a working setup for one of the supported SDRs.

Notes: This has primarily been tested on macOS 12.1 and Debian but it will probably work elsewhere as well.


  • -lowFreq: The lower frequency to start the sweeps with in Hz.

  • -highFreq: The upper frequency to end the sweeps with in Hz.

  • -binSize: The FFT bin width (frequency resolution) in Hz. BinSize is a maximum, smaller more convenient bins will be used.

  • -integrationInterval: The duration during which to collect information per frequency.

    Note: HackRF's hackrf_sweep is sweeping at much higher rates than e.g. RTL SDR's rtl_power but on the flipside, it does not allow providing an integration interval. Thus this integration is done in software which is more resource intense when using a HackRF.

  • discardOutOfRange: When set to true (default) this causes samples to be filtered which are captured by the SDR but outside the specified range.

    Note: This is useful to save bandwidth and storage when using an SDR like HackRF which returns samples in a 20MHz bandwidth even when only a 2MHz sample range is needed.

  • -sdr: Which SDR type to use (determines the CLI command which is called).

  • -identifier: Unique identifier for the source instance (needs to be assigned).

  • -output: Export mechanism to use, needs to be one of: csv, sqlite, mysql, spectre. See Output section below.

    • For sqlite output option:
      • sqliteFile: File path of the sqlite DB file to use (default: /tmp/spectre). Note that the DB file is created if it doesn't already exist.
    • For mysql output option:
      • mysqlServer: MySQL TCP server endpoint to connect to (IP/DNS and port). Defaults to "".
      • mysqlUser: MySQL DB user
      • mysqlPasswordFile: Path to the file containing the password for the MySQL user.
      • mysqlDBName: Name of the DB to use. Defaults to spectre.
    • For spectre output option:
      • spectreServer: URL scheme, address and port of the spectre server in the following format: "https://localhost:8443"
      • spectreServerSamples: Defines how many samples should be sent to the server at once (default is 100).

We're using glog which allows you to modify the logging behavior through flags as well if needed. The most useful ones:

  • logtostderr: Logs to stderr instead of logfiles
  • v: Shows all V(x) messages for x less or equal the value of this flag.

For more info on how to control logging, see the following:


The following output options are currently supported, controlled via the -output flag:

  • csv: CSV formatted export to stdout.
  • sqlite: Write samples to local sqlite DB.
  • mysql: Write samples to a MySQL DB.
  • spectre: Write samples to a remote Spectre server endpoint.

Note: See additional control flags for each output option in the Flags section above.

Generally, the output contains the following data:

  • Source: Source type (e.g. "hackrf" or "rtl_sdr").
  • Identifier: Unique identifier for the specific instance as defined by the -id flag.
  • Center Frequency: Center frequency of the sample (halfway between lower and upper frequency).
  • Low Frequency: Lower frequency used for this sample's bin.
  • High Frequency: Upper frequency used for this sample's bin.
  • Start Time: Unix timestamp in milliseconds at which the measurement started.
  • End Time: Unix timestamp in milliseconds at which the measurement ended.
  • DB Low: Lowest signal strength measured across the samples aggregated in this frequency bucket.
  • DB High: Highest signal strength measured across the samples aggregated in this frequency bucket.
  • DB Avg: Average signal strength across the samples aggregated in this frequency bucket.
  • Sample Count: Number of measurements aggregated into this sample.


Example 1

The following uses an RTL SDR to sweep from 400-500MHz with a bin size of 12.5kHz and 10s integration per channel and writes the output to stdout as a CSV:

$ go run spectre.go -sdr rtlsdr -lowFreq 400000000 -highFreq 500000000 -binSize 12500 -integrationInterval 10s -output csv
Running RTL SDR sweep: "/opt/homebrew/bin/rtl_power -f 400000000:500000000:12500 -i 10s -"

Example 2

In this example, we use an RTL SDR to sweep from 400-500MHz with a bin size of 12.5kHz and 10s integration per channel and write the output to a sqlite DB in /tmp/spectre (the file is created if it doesn't already exist):

$ go run spectre.go -sdr rtlsdr -lowFreq 400000000 -highFreq 500000000 -binSize 12500 -integrationInterval 10s -output sqlite -sqliteFile "/tmp/spectre"
Running RTL SDR sweep: "/opt/homebrew/bin/rtl_power -f 400000000:500000000:12500 -i 10s -"
Sample export counts: map[error:0 success:1000 total:1000]
Sample export counts: map[error:0 success:2000 total:2000]
Sample export counts: map[error:0 success:3000 total:3000]

Supported SDRs

Currently there is support for:


    Use the -sdr rtlsdr flag for Spectre.

    Ensure you installed the rtl-sdr tools - specifically rtl_power needs to be findable via $PATH.

    • macOS: brew install librtlsdr
    • Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install rtl-sdr

    Note: RTL SDR support has been less tested than HackRF so there might be more rough edges here.

  • HackRF

    Use the -sdr hackrf flag for Spectre.

    Ensure you installed the hackrf tools - specifically hackrf_sweep needs to be findable via $PATH.

    • macOS: brew install hackrf or sudo port install hackrf
    • Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install hackrf

    Note: You might have to install the HackRF tools from source and update your HackRF's firmware if you run into problems. We have confirmed this working with the latest HackRF source as of 2022-01-15 (commit 8660e44) and release 2021.03.1 (e.g. firmware).


This is an optional piece of spectre which can centrally collect samples from one or more endpoints.

Note: This is experimental at the moment.

The server can be run as follows:

go run server.go -logtostderr -storage sqlite -sqliteFile /tmp/spectre
I0116 12:06:35.799644    1333 server.go:88] Resorting to serving HTTP because there was no certificate and key defined.

See server.go for more details such as available flags.

Once running, the server presents two endpoints:

  • /spectre/v1/collect: The endpoint the collection binary uses to send its samples.

  • /spectre/v1/render: An endpoint to call to get a rendered image back. Supported GET parameters are:

    • Filter options:

      • sdr: Either rtlsdr or hackrf.
      • identifier: The identifier of a specific sender in order to just render samples for that one station.
      • startFreq: Lowest frequency to filter for.
      • endFreq: Highest frequency to filter for.
      • startTime: Unix start time in milliseconds in UTC.
      • endTime: Unix end time in milliseconds in UTC.
    • Image options:

      • addGrid: Whether to add a grid or not (default 1). To disable either set it to 0 or false.
      • imgWidth: Desired image width in pixels.
      • imgHeight: Desired image height in pixels.
      • imageType: Either jpg (default) or png.


The renderer render.go can be used to render collected Spectre data as a waterfall.

Note: This is highly experimental at the moment.

The renderer currently only supports data collected into a sqlite DB and can be run as follows:

$ go run render.go -source sqlite -sqliteFile /tmp/spectre -sdr hackrf -imgPath /tmp/out.jpg
Selected source metadata:
  - Low frequency: 88.00 MHz
  - High frequency: 128.00 MHz
  - Start time: 2022-01-07T09:39:26 (1641544766)
  - End time: 2022-01-07T10:51:26 (1641549086)
  - Duration: 1h11m59.997s
Rendering image (3208 x 432)
  - Frequency resolution: 12.47 kHz per pixel
  - Time resultion: 10.00 seconds per pixel
Writing image to "/tmp/out.jpg"

See render.go for supported flags as there are more filter options than showed here.


SDR based long term spectrum analysis tool.







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