This is an Arduino library for PN532 to use NFC technology. It is for NFC Shield and Grove - NFC.
- Support I2C, SPI and HSU of PN532
- Read/write Mifare Classic Card
- Works with Don's NDEF Library
- Communicate with android 4.0+(Lists of devices supported)
- Support mbed platform
- Card emulation (NFC Type 4 tag)
- To support more than one INFO PDU of P2P communication
- To read/write NFC Type 4 tag
Easy way
- Download zip file and extract the 4 folders(PN532, PN532_SPI, PN532_I2C and PN532_HSU) into Arduino's libraries.
- Download Don's NDEF library, extract it into Arduino's libraries and rename it to NDEF.
- Follow the examples of the two libraries.
Git way for Linux/Mac (recommended)
Get PN532 library and NDEF library
cd {Arduino}\libraries git clone --recursive NFC ln -s NFC/PN532 ./ ln -s NFC/PN532_SPI ./ ln -s NFC/PN532_I2C ./ ln -s NFC/PN532_HSU ./ ln -s NFC/NDEF ./
Follow the examples of the two libraries
It's based on Adafruit_NFCShield_I2C. Seeed Studio rewrite the library to make it easy to support different interfaces and platforms. @Don writes the NDEF library to make it more easy to use. @JiapengLi adds HSU interface. @awieser adds card emulation function.