The purpose of the tool is to manage multiple repositories, in particular run the same git or shell command on a set of repositories in a time efficient, concurrent way.
- meaningful insight into the state of a set of git repositories
- concurrent execution of commands on multiple repositories
- support for git commands
- support for arbitrary shell commands and scripts
- nice presentation layer, especially for
git status
- a couple of additional commands, like:
- list latest tags (with checkout)
- list default branches (with checkout)
- list already gone branches
- checkout to default branch
- checkout to latest tag
Disclaimer: Presented example is not a real microservice project. Funny branch names and commit messages were invented just for the sake of repostates demo :)
The tool by default fetches origin for each repository and then displays the following info:
- current branch, tag or commit
- commits ahead origin
- commits behind origin
- if there are uncommited changes (*)
- if there are more recent tags
- if there is anything to do with each repo (colors)
# Log latest tag using pipe
repostates shell "sh -c 'git ls-remote --tags --sort=-version:refname | head -n 1 '"
# or use: repostates show-latest-tag ;)
# Checkout to previous branch/tag/commit using shell logical operators (AND, OR)
repostates shell "sh -c 'git switch - || git switch - --detach'"
# or use: repostates shell "git checkout - " ;)
repostates checkout existing-branch
repostates pull
These commands run git checkout to the latest tag and to the default project branch respectively (if there are no changes in repos):
repostates checkout-latest-tag
repostates checkout-default-branch
Basically, when I wanted to run integration tests locally for a project with microservice architecture (with Docker and docker-compose) I always had to check every repository if I am on a correct branch and if this branch is up to date (new commits from other developers). That meant either running the same git commands multiple times from the terminal or clicking through a Git client UI.
This project was created to overcome this inconvenience by automating repetitive actions with a simple command line utility. The tool, when run, presents a short summary in a table format which shows which repositories are up-to-date and which ones have to be updated or investigated more carefully.
Other use cases:
- commiting the same changes, e.g.:
- updating references to external resources, like CICD pipeline version
- updating dependencies and packages versions
- updating project info
- managing git/project configuration and installation
- gathering statistics for multiple repositories
The script is created using only inbuild Python3 libraries, so there is no need to use a virtual environment or install anything else then what is already provided with standard Python distribution.
Then, the best option to run the tool is to clone the repository and:
use the tool directly
~/<path-to-repostates>/ --help
or create a suitable alias in
, e.g.:alias repostates="python3 /<path-to-repostates>/"
It is possible to append the new alias to your shell init script by running:
echo 'alias repostates="python3 /<path-to-repostates>/"' >> ~/.zshrc
And then run:
repostates --help
$ repostates --help
usage: [-h] [-d [DIR]] [-r REG] [--verbose] [--no-fetch] {status,pull,show-default-branch,show-latest-tag,checkout,checkout-default,checkout-latest-tag,gone-branches,shell} ...
positional arguments:
choose a command to run
status run git status (default)
pull run git pull
show default branch for repository
show-latest-tag show latest production tag for repository (no pre-releases)
checkout run git checkout
checkout-default checkout to default branch
checkout to latest tag
gone-branches find already gone branches, default action is list
shell run arbitrary shell command - enclose in quotes
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d [DIR], --dir [DIR]
directory with your git repositories, defaults to the current directory
-r REG, --reg REG regex for filtering repositories to show
--verbose, -v increase verbosity
--no-fetch, -n do not fetch before status
gita - support for git (concurrent) and shell commands (sequential), nice presentation layer for git status
clustergit - support for git and shell commands, concurrent execution, really nice presentation layer
mu-repo - supports git and shell commands, concurrent execution, presentation layer could be better
gitbatch by isacikgoz - support for a couple of git commands, concurrent execution, mind-blowing presentation layer
git-repo-updater - gitup - support for git and shell commands, nice presentation layer for default command, serial execution
git-plus - only git commands are supported, serial execution, some nice git commands for single repos are provided
gitas - nice presentation layer for status, support for git and shell commands (presentation layer could be better here), unclear if concurrency is used
git for-each-repo - support for git commands, need to be configured
git-bulk as part of git-extras - support for git commands, serial execution
gitbatch by lewisliu725 - simple shell script for running the same git command in multiple repositories, only git commands supported, serial execution
Bash one-liners and functions
find . -type d -depth 1 -print -exec git -C {} status \; find . -type d -depth 1 -print -exec bash -c "git -C {} status; echo;" \; find . -type d -depth 1 -print -exec bash -c "(git -C {} status && echo)" ";" find . -type d -depth 1 -print -exec git --git-dir={}/.git --work-tree=$PWD/{} status \; find . -maxdepth 2 -type d -name .git -print | xargs -P8 -I{} git -C {}/../ status for i in */.git; do ( echo $i; cd $i/..; git status; echo; ); done for repo in *; do pushd $repo &> /dev/null; echo "Current repo: $repo"; popd &> /dev/null; done ls | xargs -P10 -I{} git -C {} pull
gitez() { if [ $# -lt 1 ] then echo "$0: error: missing arguments" echo "usage: $0 <command> <args...>" exit 1 fi for folder in `find . -maxdepth 1 ! -path . -type d` do if [ -d "$folder"/.git ]; then pushd . > /dev/null cd "$folder" echo '\033[1;32m' echo `pwd` echo '\033[0m' "$@" popd > /dev/null fi done }
Tools that offer interacting with GitLab or GitHub, e.g.: running the same script against set of repositories, commiting changes, creating Merge/Pull Requests and checking their status:
- multi-git
- gitman
- myrepos
- git-status-all
- git-repo (from Gerrit) - not inituitive installation
MIT License
Please, create pull requests in order to contribute.
List possible linting commands with Taskfile: